Scientific name: Xanthium indicum Koen. ex Roxb.
Family: Asteraceae
Synonym: Xanthium strumarium L.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Ghagra, Hagra, Khagra, Ban-okra, Lehra, Bichaphal, Chhotoghagra.
Tribal name: Lengra (Chakma), Son keng (Bawm), Neeh-ku-jaw (Chak), Pha-ma-kandu (Rakhaing), Baksal (Hajong).
English name: Cocklebur, Burweed.
Description of the plant: An erect annual herb. Leaves simple, alternate-spiral, broadly triangular-ovate, variously lobed (often 3-lobed), petiolate, petioles up to 9 cm long, acute at the apex, cordate-cuneate at the base, margin irregularly serrate-dentate, sparsely hispidulous on both surfaces. Flowes in terminal or axillary clusters, capitula monoecious, male capitulum globose, female capitulum ovoid and covered with spines. Fruit an achene, enlarged, enclosed in prickly, glandular hispidulous envelop forming and urticle.
Plant parts used: Leaf.
Medicinal uses: Juice extracted from leaves of the plant is taken thrice a day (three tea spoons amount each time) for two weeks to treat malaria.
Leaf paste is slightly warmed and applied on the affected prostate gland for the treatment of hernia.
Distribution: It is found all over Bangladesh in fallow lands.
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