Family: Fabaceae
Synonym:Cracca purpurea L.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Bon-neel, Lohamri, Sarpunkha.
Tribal name: Dummuijja (Chakma), Rhoya-boung (Marma), Bairi (Pangkhoa).
English name: Wild indigo.
Description of the plant: An annual or short-lived perennial herb, branches spreading. Leaves imparipinnate, 5-10 cm long, leaflets 11-21, oblanceolate, glabrous above, clothed with fine appressed silky hairs beneath. Flowers purplish-pink, in leaf-opposed lax racemes. Fruit a pod, 4-6 cm long, linear, slightly curved, mucronate, 5-9 seeded.
Plant parts used: Leaf, stem, fruit,root, seed.
Herbal uses: A fresh juice extracted from the leaves and stems of the plant is applied to the biting place thrice a day to treat snake bite.
A fruit extract is used to relieve body pains and inflammatory problems.
A paste made with the leaves and stems of the plant is applied to the infected skin once a day until the eczema is cured.
A decoction made with the fruits of the plant is given as a treatment against intestinal worms.
Root decoction is given for the treatment of dyspepsia and chronic diarrhoea.
Powder is used for brushing the teeth to relieve the toothache.
Oil from seeds isused as remedy for scabies, itching, and other skin eruptions.
The dried herbs are used for the treatment of jaundice, boils, pimples, and bleeding piles.
Distribution: It occurs throughout the country.
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