Scientific name: Syzygium fruticosum DC.

Family: Myrtaceae

Synonym: Eugenia fruticosa Roxb.

Bengali/Vernacular name: Buti jam, Bon-jam, Kak-jam.

Tribal name: Potti jam (Chakma); Mui (Lushai); Inmuii (Pangkhoa); Sabri, Ta sabbri(Marma); Mrey-sthei-asshey (Rakhaing).

Description of the plant: A large shrub to a small tree, up to 10 m tall. Leaves elliptic-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, apex shortly acuminate, base cuneate to slightly rounded. Flowers small, sessile, white. Fruit a globose berry, crowned by the cup-shaped limb, the size of pea, black or purple when ripe, seed solitary.

Plant parts used: Leaf.

Medicinal uses: Leaf decoction is advised to take for the treatment of anaemia.

Leaf juice is taken to treat bloody dysentery.

Distribution: It is common in Chittagong, Chittagong Hill Tract, Cox’s Bazar, Comilla, Noakhali, Dinajpur, Gazipur, Tangail and Sundarbans. Occurs in the forests outskirts and village shrubberies.

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