Scientific name: Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.
Family: Fabaceae
Synonym: Sesbania aegyptica Poir.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Dhaincha, Kathsola, Jayanti (Bengali).
Tribal name: Dhoineyekeng (Khumi), Sendopui (Pangkhoa), Ynupen-bawn (Rakhaing).
English name: Common sesban, Egyptian rattlepod.
Description of the plant: A small soft-wooded tree of rapid growth and brief duration, up to 7 m tall, young shoots green. Leaves paripinnate with 10-25 pairs of opposite leaflets, linear-oblong, entire. Flowers yellow, in lax-flowered axillary racemes; standard orbicular, spoted with purple on the back. Fruit a pod 15-23 cm long, linear, pendulous, twisted, slightly torulose, sharply beaked.
Plant parts used: Leaf.
Medicinal uses: Infusion of leaves is used in diabetes, worm and skin disease.
Distribution: It occurs throughout the country.
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