Family: Punicaceae
Synonym:Punica nana L.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Dalim, Anar, Bedana.
Tribal name: Dalim-phang (Garo), Thing-kel-ek (Lushai), Denge-sthei (Rakhaing).
English name:Pomegrante.
Description of the plant: A large deciduous shrub, often armed. Leaves opposite, 3.5-5 cm long, oblong-oblanceolate, or oblong-lanceolate, entire, short-stalked, and pointed at both ends. Flowers bright red and showy, usually with six segments in the calyx, mostly solitary, sometimes 2-4 together. Fruit rounded, reddish-yellow or purplish, 7-10 cm in diameter. Rind thin, tough, and brittle. Fruit contains numerous seeds, each seed surrounded by a watery, translucent, flavorful pinkish-red pulp.
Plant parts used: Leaf, flower, fruit, root.
Herbal uses:A fresh juice extracted from the flowers of the plant, after adding little amount of honey it is taken thrice a day (10 ml amount each time) until the diabetes is controled.
Decoction made with the dried rind of the fruit isused for stomach pain and dysentery remedy.
Decoction of leaves isused as eyewash.
Decoction of flowers is used in gargle to treat throat inflammation.
Powdered flower buds areused for the treatment of bronchitis.
Decoction prepared fromtherootsof the plantisused for the treatment of tuberculosis, chronic debility, and chronic feverishness.
Flowers of the plant areused as remedy for cut wounds, bronchitis, digestive problems, and erectiledysfunction.
Decoction of root bark isused for tapewormtreatment.
A fresh juice extracted from the flowers of the plant and adding a little amount of honey then it is taken thrice a day (5 ml amount each time) for the treatment of diarrhoea.
Distribution: The species is found throughout the country.
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