Family: Polygonaceae
Synonym: Polygonum roxburghii Meisn.,Polygonum parviflorum Y.L. Chang & S.H. Li
Bengali/Vernacular name:Khudi bishkatali, Mechhua shak,Dubia sag, Anjaban, Khet pakri, Bongotula, Chinaduli ghas (Bengali); Chemti sag (Sylhet).
Tribal name: Yung krun (Murang).
English name:Small knotweed, Alpine knot-weed.
Description of the plant: A much-branched prostrate annual herb, branches narrow, channelled, ridges usually corrugate. Leaves almost sessile, narrow, about 3 X 0.2 cm, lateral veins obscure. Flowers axillary, 3-4 per axil, pedicillate, not exserted, articulation in the middle. Tepals 5, single veined, greenish-white or light pink inside, at least the outer 2 tepals acute, the outermost longer, corrugate dorsally.
Plant parts used: Leaf, stem, root, seed, whole plant.
Herbal uses:A paste made with the plant is applied to the infected skin twice a day until the eczema is cured.
A fresh juice extracted from the leaves and stems of the plant is taken with sugar thrice a day (5 ml amount each time) for two weeks to treat gallstone.
The crushed seeds of the plant are cooked and eaten as a remedy fort bowel complaint.
The juice extracted from the roots of the plant is taken thrice a day (5 ml amount each time) until the stomachache is cured.
Pea-sized pills made with the plant are taken with warm water thrice a day (one pill each time) until the pneumonia is cured.
Distribution:It is very common and found throughout the country.
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