Family: Asteraceae

Synonym:Conyza indica (L.) Blume ex DC. 

Bengali/Vernacular name: Mundorokha, Kokronta.

English name: Indian camphorweed.

Description of the plant: A small shrub, nearly glabrous, stem up to 60 cm long. Leaves obovate or oblanceolate, acute, apiculate or obtuse, 2-5 cm long, minutely serrate, gland-dotted, narrowed into a small petiole. Inflorescence a capitulum, in compound terminal corymb, 0.6 cm in diameter, pubescent.Fruit an achene minute.

Plant parts used: Leaf,stem, bark.

Herbal uses: A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied to the affected part of the body once a day for seven days to treat lumbago.

Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is given for the treatment of fever.

An infusion made with the leaves of the plant is given for anorexiatreatment.

A decoction made with the leaves and stems of the plant is drunk to ease asthma and other pulmonary problems.
A decoction of the fresh leaves is used in an inhalant to cure cold.

Bark of the plant is used for haemorrhoid remedy.

The crushed leaves, raw or steamed, are eaten to correct foul breath and offensive perspiration odour.

The juice from the crushed leaves, mixed with the juice of other plants, is used as a remedy for dysentery.

An infusion of the leaves, usually in combination with other ingredients, is given as a treatment against leucorrhoea.

A decoction of the roots or leaves is recommended for treating fever, headache, rheumatism, sprains, and dyspepsia.
An extract made with the roots of the plant by boiling with water, it is used for having hot bath once a day for seven days to treat scabies.

The roots, mixed with other ingredients, are applied as a poultice for rheumatic pain treatment.

Leaves of the plant are used for the treatment of inflammation,and kidney stones.

Distribution: The species is found in Noakhali district.

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