Family: Acanthaceae
Synonym: Phlogacanthus thyrsiflorus Nees.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Agnibasak, Rambasak, Tamrapuspi basak, Baghatita, Titaphul.
Tribal name: Dieng-soh kajut (Khasia), Chogro auk (Marma).
English name: Nongmangkha.
Description of the Plant: A shrub, 1-2 m tall. Leaves dark green, glossy, 15-18 x 5-6 cm, oblanceolate, elliptic-oblong, tapering to both ends, subentire, glabrous, petiole 1-2 cm long. Inflorescence terminal, flowers born in thyrsi 10-30 cm long, orange red color. Fruit a capsule, elongate, sub-quadrangular; seeds much compressed, orbicular, brown.
Plant parts Used: Leaf, stem, flower, and root.
Uses: Leaves of the plant are used as an
expectorant in cough, bronchitis, and asthma.
crushed then mixed with smashed rhizome of zinger and little salt is dissolved
in water, 100 ml of the mixture is taken twice a day for the treatment of
diarrhea, dysentery, and cholera.
The plant is used to treat rheumatism,
and liver disorder.
Flowers of the plant are antidote to pox, prevent skin disease like sore,
scabies etc.; it has also been used in jaundice.
A paste made with the young shoots of the plant is applied to the affected area
for the treatment of boils.
Curry prepared from aerial portion is taken with rice once a day until cure the
Root is used for easy deliver of child birth.
Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant is taken for high blood
pressure control.
Distribution: This species is found in Dhaka, Comilla, Noakhali, Khagrachari, Kishoreganj, and Sylhet districts.
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