Family: Menyanthaceae
Synonym:Menyanthes indica L.
Bengali/Vernacular name:Panchuli, Chandmala.
Tribal name: Tharo macha(Manipuri).
English name:Water snowflake, Floating hearts.
Description of the plant: A floating annual herb, with several long branches, branches reach the surface of the water, each node with tuft of roots, a cluster of flowers, and a single floating leaf. Leaves orbicular, deeply cordate, with obtuse basal lobes and triangular sinus and with somewhat sinuate margin. Flowers appearing above the water between the basal lobes of leaf, petals lobed, densly clothed with long cottony papillose hairs, not created down the middle. Fruits subglobose.
Plant parts used: Leaf, rhizome.
Herbal uses:Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is applied to treat wounds.
A fresh juice extracted from the rhizomes of the plant is taken with little amount of sugar twice a day (20 ml amount each time) until the jaundice is cured.
Leaf paste is applied to the forehead to get relief from headache.
Fresh juice extracted from the rhizomes of the plant is taken thrice a day (5 ml amount each time) for three days to treat fever.
Decoction prepared from the plant is taken for the treatment of dysentery.
A fresh juice extracted from the rhizomes of the plant is taken with little amount of honey thrice a day (10 ml amount each time) for seven days to treat menorrhagia.
Leaf paste with turmeric is applied to cure scabies and swelling.
Fresh juice extracted from the rhizomes of the plant is taken twice a day (5 ml amount each time) for 15 days to treat leucorrhoea.
Distribution: The species commonly occurs throughout the country.
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