MPB 3.1

A Largest Medicinal Plants Database in Bangladesh



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Scientific NameFamilyVernacular NameHabitPlant PartsMedicinal Uses
Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) R.Br.  ApocynaceaeShamlataLianaLeaf, stem, root.A decoction of the stems and leaves is used in fever.
Paste made with leaves of the plant is applied to treat headache, wounds, and sore between fingers.
Root powder is administered with milk as blood purifier.
Illigera khasiana C.B.ClarkeHernandiaceaeKhasiageraLianaLeaf, stem.The plant is used for the treatment of wounds.
Impatiens balsamina L.BalsaminaceaeDopatiHerbFlower, root.The roots are sometimes crushed and used to poultice wounds, inflammations of the skin and torn nails. The juice of the flowers is used to treat snakebites.
Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeusch.PoaceaeChhonHerbFlower, root.Flower decoction is used to treat urinary tract infections, fevers, thirst.  A decoction of the root is used as an anthelmintic and also to treat digestive disorders such as indigestion, diarrhoea and dysentery.
Indigofera tinctoria L.    FabaceaeNilShrubLeafLeaf infusion is used to treat a range of disorders including epilepsy and nervous disorders; asthma and bronchitis; fever; complaints of the stomach, liver, kidney and spleen.
Indigofera zollingeriana Miq.FabaceaeGerina nilShrub or small treeLeafPaste prepared from the leaves of the plant is used for the treatment of cuts and wounds.
Ipomoea alba L.ConvolvulaceaeDudh kolmiHerbLeaf, stem.Paste made with leaves and stems of the plant is applied to treat snakebite.
Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.ConvolvulaceaeKalmishakHerbLeaf, bud.A paste made from the buds is used to treat ringworm. The crushed leaves are applied as a poultice on sores and boils.
Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.ConvolvulaceaeMisti aluHerbLeaf.The leaves are used to treat measles.
Ipomoea fistulosa Mart. ex ChoisyConvolvulaceaeDholkalmisShrubLeafA paste is made with the leaves of the plant is applied on the biting place once a day for two days to treat snake bite. Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is prescribed to apply on the cutting place twice a day for the treatment of bleeding from cutting wound.  Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is applied on the affected parts of the body for the treatment of bruise.
Ipomoea hederifolia L.ConvolvulaceaeNeela kalmiClimbing herbLeaf Paste made with leaves and flowers of the plant is applied to treat headache.
Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq. ConvolvulaceaeVuikumra kalmiClimberLeaf, root.Roots are used in the treatment of fevers and bronchitis, diseases of the spleen and liver, menorrhagia, debility and fat accumulation. The leaves and roots are used externally to treat tuberculosis and for the treatment of external and breast infections.
Ipomoea nil (L.) RothConvolvulaceaeNil kalmiClimberSeed, whole plant.Seeds are used to treat oedema, oliguria, ascariasis and constipation. Paste masde with the plant is used as a hair wash to rid the hair of lice.
Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl. ConvolvulaceaeKura kalmiHerbLeaf, root.A paste of the leaves, combined with the leaves of Argyreia mollis and alcohol, is applied to open sores and pustules. A root decoction is drunk against dysentery.
Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R.Br. ConvolvulaceaeChhagol kuri kalmiHerbLeaf, seed.Leaves are used in the treatment of dropsy and urethral discharge. The seed, when chewed, is said to be a good remedy for stomach-ache and cramp.
Ipomoea quamoclit L. ConvolvulaceaeTorulataClimberLeaf stem. Decoction of leaves and stems are used to treat fever, diabetes
Ipomoea triloba L.ConvolvulaceaeNil ghontaHerbLeafThe plant is used as a poultice in the treatment against headache. A decoction of the leaves is used as a treatment against stomach ache.
Isodon lophanthoides (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Hara LamiaceaeBara oinchingHerbWhole plantDecoction of the plant is used for the treatment of bodyache.
Ixora chinensis Lam. RubiaceaeChina ranganShrubLeaf, flower.An infusion of the fresh flowers is said to be a remedy against incipient tuberculosis and haemorrhage. An infusion of leaves or flowers is used against headache.
Ixora coccinea L.RubiaceaeRanganShrubFlower, bark, root.An infusion of the flowers and bark is used in the treatment of blood-shot eyes. A decoction of the flowers or the bark is employed as a lotion against eye troubles, sores and ulcers.  A decoction or infusion of the roots is administered to clear the urine. 
Ixora cuneifolia Roxb.RubiaceaeBeophul ranganShrubLeafLeaf infusion is given to treat fever.
Ixora finlaysoniana Wall. ex G.DonRubiaceaeSada ranganShrubLeafPaste prepared from the leaves of the plant is applied on the boils twice a day for seven days to treat it. The leaves of the plant are used for the treatment of fever.A paste is made with the leaves of the plant is applied on the forehead two times a day until the headache is cured.
Ixora javanica (Blume) DC.RubiaceaeJava ranganShrubLeaf, flower.An infusion of the leaves or flowers of several species is administered to treat fever, headache and colic.
Ixora nigricans R.Br. ex Wight & Arn.RubiaceaeKuthi ranganShrubLeaf, flower.The leaves are used in the treatment of dysentery. The leaves and flowers are used in the treatment of stomach disorders.
Ixora pavetta Andr.  RubiaceaeGandhalranganShrubBark, flower.Decoction of the bark is used for anaemia and general debility. Flowers are used in whooping cough.

Disclaimer: The uses of medicinal plants described in this database are not recommendations, and the authors are not responsible for any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of information in this website. We sincerely hope that this database will be useful to the people who are interested in medicinal plants of Bangladesh. Contents of this site are intended for reference and informational purpose only. No content is intended to constitute any medical treatment recommendation. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of any information on this site. Healthcare professionals like Traditional healers and Herbalists are expected to rely on their professional knowledge.