A Largest Medicinal Plants Database in Bangladesh
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Scientific Name | Family | Vernacular Name | Habit | Plant Parts | Medicinal Uses |
Haldina cordifolia (Roxb.) Ridsdale | Rubiaceae | Haldu | Tree | Root | An infusion of the roots is used in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery. |
Harpullia cupanioides Roxb. | Sapindaceae | Juribisi | Tree | Leaf | Leaf paste is applied to treat rheumatism. |
Hedychium coccineum Buch.-Ham. ex Sm. | Zingiberaceae | Vui ada | Herb | Rhizome | Rhizome paste is applied to trat boils. |
Hedychium coronarium J.König | ZINGIBERACEAE | Dolon chapa | Rhizome, stem. | A decoction of the basal part of the stem is gargled in the treatment of tonsillitis, or, alternatively, a part of the stem may be chewed. Decoction of rhizomes is used for gargling in tonsillitis or simply as a mouth wash to avoid bad breath. . | |
Hedyotis scandens Roxb. | Rubiaceae | Latakani | Climbing herb | Root | The root is used in the treatment of sprains. |
Helianthus annuus L. | Asteraceae | Surjomukhi | Herb | Leaf, flower. | The crushed leaves are used as a poultice on sores, swellings, snakebites and spider bites. A tea made from the flowers is used in the treatment of malaria and lung ailments. |
Heliconia rostrata Ruiz & Pav. | Heliconiaceae | Chingrinomi | Shrub | Rhizome | The Rhizome is used in intestinal pain, jaundice and in high blood pressure. |
Helicteres isora L. | Sterculiaceae | Jankaphal | Shrub or small tree | Bark, seed, root. | The root and stem bark are expectorant, demulcent, astringent, galactofuge, and a remedy for scabies. The stem bark is also used for treating diarrhoea and dysentery. The extract of the seeds cures dysentery and stomach pain. |
Heliotropium curassavicum L. | Boraginaceae | Nona hatishuri | Herb | Root | The dried roots are ground to powder and applied to sores and wounds. A decoction of the plant is taken as a remedy for leucorrhoea, and as a substitute for Heliotropium indicum. |
Heliotropium indicum L. | Boraginaceae | Hatishur | Herb | Whole plant. | A decoction of the whole plant is used to treat thrush, diarrhoea, diabetes, venereal diseases and frequent excretion of urine. |
Helminthostachys zeylanica (L.) Hook. | Ophioglossaceae | Krimi fern | Herb | Rhizome | Rhizome is used in the treatment of malaria, dysentery, catarrh, and the early stages of phthisis. |
Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R.Br. | Asclepiadaceae | Anontomul | Climber | Root | Root is used in the treatment of appetite loss, dyspepsia, fever, skin diseases, syphilis, leucorrhoea, genitourinary diseases and chronic cough. |
Hemigraphis hirta (Vahl) T.Anderson | Acanthaceae | Borati gas | Herb | Leaf | An extract prepared from the plant is administered to treat shigellosis. The leaves of the plant are chewed with betel leaf for cure ulcer of the mouth. |
Heritiera fomes Buch.-Ham. | Sterculiaceae | Sundori | Tree | Bark | Paste prepared from the bark of the plant is applied on affected part of the body to treat eczema, abscesses, boils, and scabies. The plant is used in jaundice and hepatitis. |
Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A.Juss.) Müll.Arg. | Euphorbiaceae | Rubber | Tree | Seed | Boiling the seed removes the poison and releases the oil, which can be used as an effective treatment against houseflies and lice. |
Hewittia malabarica (L.) Suresh | Convolvulaceae | Hiwet | Herb | Leaf, root. | The leaves are rubbed into sores. A root decoction is drunk to rid the body of threadworms. |
Hibiscus cannabinus L. | Malvaceae | Ambri | Shrub | Leaf, stem. | The leaves are used in the treatment of dysentery and bilious, blood and throat disorders. The peelings from the stems have been used in the treatment of anaemia, fatigue. |
Hibiscus mutabilis L. | Malvaceae | Sthalpadma | Shrub | Flower | Flower decoction is used in the treatment of lung ailments. |
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. | Malvaceae | Joba | Shrub | Leaf, flower | They are used internally in the treatment of excessive and painful menstruation, cystitis, venereal diseases, feverish illnesses, bronchial catarrh, coughs and to promote hair growth. The leaves and flowers are beaten into a paste and poulticed onto cancerous swellings and mumps. |
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. | Malvaceae | Lalmesta | Herb | Fruit | Fruits are antiscorbutic, used in dysentery and diarrhoea. |
Hibiscus schizopetalus (Mast.) Hook.f. | Malvaceae | Jhumko joba | Shrub | Leaf | Leaf extract is applied for the treatment of alopecia. A paste is made with the leaves of the plant is applied on the boils twice a day for seven days to treat it. Leaf juice is used for the treatment of excessive menstruation. |
Hibiscus surattensis L. | Malvaceae | Ram bhindi | Climber | Leaf, stem, seed. | A lotion of the leaf and stem is used for the treatment of penile irritation of any sort, including venereal sores and urethritis. An infusion is also used for injecting into the urethra and vagina to treat gonorrhoea and other inflammations. The seed has been used as a remedy for eye diseases and dysentery. |
Hibiscus tiliaceus L. | Malvaceae | Belapata | Shrub or small tree | Flower | Flowers are useful against bronchitis, as well as in the treatment of fevers and coughs, ear infections and abscesses, postpartum disorders and skin diseases. |
Hiptage benghalensis (L.) Kurz | Malpighiaceae | Madhobilata | Climber | Leaf | The leaves are used to treat cutaneous diseases. Leaves are useful in chronic rheumatism, skin diseases and asthma. |
Hodgsonia macrocarpa (Blume) Cogn. | Cucurbitaceae | Makal maco | Climber | Leaf | The leaves are used to cure ulceration of the nose, and a decoction is drunk against fever. |
Holarrhena antidysenterica (Roxb. ex Fleming) Wall. ex A.DC. | Apocynaceae | Kurchi | Shrub or small tree | Stem bark, root, root bark. | The stem bark and root bark have a long history of traditional use in the treatment of amoebic dysentery. A powder prepared from the roots and leaves is administered to stop haemorrhages after childbirth and nose bleeding. |
Homalium bhamoense Cubitt & W.W.Sm. | Flacourtiaceae | Shumomukhi | Tree | Leaf | Decoction prepared from leaves of the plant is used as wash for treating fever. |
Homalomena pendula (Blume) Bakh.f. | Araceae | Ghondodula kochu | Herb | Leaf, rhizome, | The poultice of the leaves is applied locally in the treatment of sores on the legs. A decoction of the rhizome may be drunk as a remedy for fever and colic. |
Homonoia riparia Lour. | Euphorbiaceae | Jamynerei | Shrub | Root | A decoction of the root is a laxative and diuretic and is used in piles, stone in the bladder, gonorrhea, syphilis and thirst. |
Hopea odorata Roxb. | Dipterocarpaceae | Telsur | Tree | Bark, resin. | The resin from the trunk is applied to sores and wounds. Bark is astringent, used as a masticatory for gingivitis. |
Hordeum vulgare L. | Poaceae | Jab | Herb | Seed | Seeds are used in the treatment of dyspepsia caused by cereals, infantile lacto-dyspepsia, regurgitation of milk and breast distension. |
Houttuynia cordata Thunb. | Saururaceae | Aistya gaas | Herb | Whole plant. | The plant is antibacterial, antiinflammatory, antimicrbial, antiphlogistic, antiviral, depurative, diuretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hypoglycaemic, laxative and ophthalmic. A decoction is used internally in the treatment of many ailments including cancer, coughs, dysentery, enteritis and fever. |
Hoya parasitica (Roxb.) Wall. ex Wightc | Asclepiadaceae | Serapatahoya | Epiphyte | Leaf | Leaves are used for the treatment of Jundice, extract and paste is used to alleviate body pain. Leaves are also given to cows for diarrhoea. |
Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.) F.Muell | Violaceae | Heyban | Herb | Fruit, root. | The root is used in urinary affections and bowel complaints of children. The fruit is used to treat scorpion sting. |
Hydnocarpus kurzii (King) Warb. | Flacourtiaceae | Chalmugra | Tree | Bark | A decoction of the bark is drunk as a general tonic to improve health and in the treatment of internal disorders and skin diseases. |
Hydrangea macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser. | Hydrangeaceae | Hydrangea | Undershrub | Leaf | The leaves of the plant are used for the treatment of enlarged prostate, prostate infection, bladder infection, urethral infection, kidney stone, and hay fever. |
Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam. | Apiaceae | Gimashak | Herb | Whole plant. | The plant decoction is used in the treatment of abscesses, boils, bruises, cirrhosis, colds, coughs, hepatitis, hepatoma, influenza, itch, jaundice, sinusitis and sore throat. |
Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) Vahl | Hydrophyllaceae | Kasschara | Herb | Whole plant | Paste of whole plant with coconut oil is applied to minor cuts, wounds, and boils as antiseptic for quick healing. |
Hygrophila auriculata (Schumach.) Heine | Acanthaceae | Filakula | Herb | Root | The roots, is said to have diuretic properties. It is used especially in the treatment of blennorrhoea, hydropsy and anuria, as well as catarrh, stomach ache. |
Hygrophila difformis (L.f.) Blume | Acanthaceae | Filamish | Herb | Leaf | The leaves are used in traditional medicine for injury and cuts and for soothing purpose. It also used as coagulant by tribal people. Root posses expectorant property used in cough. |
Hygrophila schulli (Buch.-Ham.) M.R. & S.N.Almeida | Acanthaceae | Talmakhna | Herb | Seed | The seeds of the plant are given for gonorrhoea and spermatorrhoea. The seeds of the plant are administered for the treatment of rheumatism and inflammation. Powder made from the seeds of the plant is given for jaundice. The seeds of the plant are used for the treatment of hepatic obstruction and pain. |
Hygroryza aristata (Retz.) Nees ex Wight & Arn. | Poaceae | Jongli dan | Aquatic herb | Seed | Seeds are cooling and astringent to urinary tract, useful in biliousness. |
Hypericum japonicum Thunb. | Clusiaceae | Japani hyper | Herb | Whole plant | The plant is used to treat asthma and dysentery, acute hepatitis, pain in the liver region, appendicitis, boils and abscesses. |
Hyptianthera stricta (Roxb. ex Schult.) Wight & Arn. | Rubiaceae | Hyptian | Shrub or small tree | Leaf | Infusion prepared from the leaves of the plant is given daily for relief pain. |
Hyptis brevipes Poit. | Lamiaceae | Gol tokma | Herb | Leaf, stem. | A paste is made with the leaves and stems of the plant are applied on the forehead twice a day for relief of headache. A decoction is made with the leaves of the plant, after adding some sugar it is advised to give for the treatment of skin disease. |
Hyptis capitata Jacq. | Lamiaceae | Tata tokma | Herb | Leaf, root. | The young leaves are pounded into a paste and applied to the affected areas as a treatment for stomach ache. A decoction of the roots is used in the treatment of amenorrhea. |
Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. | Lamiaceae | Tokma | Herb | Leaf | The juice of leaves, mixed with lime juice, is drunk for stomach aches. The leaf paste is applied on sores and fungal skin infections. |
Disclaimer: The uses of medicinal plants described in this database are not recommendations, and the authors are not responsible for any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of information in this website. We sincerely hope that this database will be useful to the people who are interested in medicinal plants of Bangladesh. Contents of this site are intended for reference and informational purpose only. No content is intended to constitute any medical treatment recommendation. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of any information on this site. Healthcare professionals like Traditional healers and Herbalists are expected to rely on their professional knowledge.