MPB 3.1

A Largest Medicinal Plants Database in Bangladesh



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Scientific NameFamilyVernacular NameHabitPlant PartsMedicinal uses
Garcinia cowa Roxb. ex DC. ClusiaceaeKauTreeLeaf, fruit.A paste made from leaves of the plant is applied to the affected part of the body for the treatment of rheumatism. The old dried fruits are good for dysentery, digestive, and cooling. Pericarp of green fruits is used as chutney, and in curries, especially in soup of pulses for good taste.
Garcinia xanthochymus Hook.f. ex T.Anderson ClusiaceaeDephalTreeFruitFruits are anthelmintic and cardiotonic, improves appetite. Ripe fruit is tonic, invigorating and alexipharmac, good in heart trouble and biliousness.
Gardenia coronaria Buch.-Ham.RubiaceaeBankamalTreeLeaf, flower, root.Leaves of the plant are used for the treatment of rheumatic pain, and bronchitis. Decoction of roots used for the treatment of flatulence, dyspepsia, and nervous disorders due to dentition. Poultice of leaves is used to treat swollen breasts. Decoction prepared from leaves and flowers of the plant is used for dyspepsia, flatulence, nervous disorder, and abdominal pain treatment.
Gardenia jasminoides J.EllisRubiaceaeGondhorajShrubLeaf, root.Decoction of leaves is used for the treatment of dyspepsia. Decoction of roots is used to treat flatulence, and nervous disorders due to dentition. Poultice of leaves is used for the treatment of swollen breasts and headache.
Gardenia resinifera Roth RubiaceaeDikamaliShrubGumThe gum is antiseptic, stimulant and astringent to the bowels, used in cutaneous diseases, increases appetite, relieves constipation, vomiting, pains of bronchitis and destroy maggots in wounds.
Garuga pinnata Roxb. BurseraceaeJeolbhadiTreeLeaf, fruit.Leaf juice is astringent, given with honey in asthma. Fruits are stomachic and expectorant, given in diarrhea.
Gastrochilus inconspicuus (Hook.f.) KuntzeOrchidaceaeSoto thotamotaEpiphyteWhole plantThe plant paste is applied to treat rheumatism.
Getonia floribunda Roxb.CombretaceaeGoichialataScandent shrubLeafA fresh juice is extracted from the leaves of the plant is applied on the biting place twice a day for three days to treat snake bite.
Glinus lotoides L.MolluginaceaeKakdimHerbWhole plant.It is used in treatment of tapeworm infestation. It is used as an antiseptic, an anthelmintic, as a treatment for diarrhea and bilious attacks, and as a purgative for curing boils, wounds. 
Glinus oppositifolius (L.) A.DC.MolluginaceaeGirma-sakHerbWhole plant.The plant is said to promote digestion and salivation. It is used as a treatment for bowel complaints and syphilitic affections
Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.FabaceaeBashanta manjuriTreeLeaf, bark.The plant is a folk remedy for alopecia, boils, bruises, burns, colds, cough, debility, eruptions, erysipelas, fever, fractures, gangrene, headache, itch, prickly heat, rheumatism, skin tumours, ulcers, urticaria and wounds.
Globba radicalis Roxb.ZingiberaceaeRatkheyaHerbRhizomeRhizome is used in the management of asthma, rheumatoid arthritis.
Glochidion lanceolarium (Roxb.) VoigtEuphorbiaceaeKechuanShrub or small treeBark  The bark is given medicinally when the stomach revolts against food. Bark is used to treat anaemia, dysentery.
Glochidion sphaerogynum (Müll.Arg.) KurzEuphorbiaceaeKaimulaShrub or small treeLeafThe branches and leaves are used as medicine for the treatment of influenza, eczema. The bark and wood are dried, chopped into pieces, heated, then applied as skin paints over affected spots.
Gloriosa superba L. LiliaceaeUlotchandolclimbertuberApplied externally, the tuber is used in the treatment of bruises, colic, chronic ulcers, haemorrhoids and cancer. It is put into poultices to relieve neuralgia, and used in topical applications to treat arthritic conditions, swellings of the joints, sprains and dislocations.
Glycine max (L.) Merr.FabaceaeSoyabeanHerbSeedSeeds are used in the treatment of colds, fevers and headaches, insomnia, irritability and a stuffy sensation in the chest.
Glycosmis mauritiana (Lam.) Tanaka RutaceaeMurimajonShrub to small tree.Leaf, flower.The plant is used to treat leucorrhoea, arthritis, urinary infection, cough, bronchitis, asthma, burning sensation and diarrhea. The leaf juice is useful in fever.
Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) A.DC.RutaceaeDatmajanShrubLeaf, stem, root.Leaf and stem bark extracts have been shown to have a healing effect upon damaged liver tissue. A decoction of roots and leaves is taken for intestinal trouble. Juice of the leaves is used in fever, liver complaints and as a vermifuge.
Glycyrrhiza glabra L.FabaceaeJasthimadhuHerbPlantThis plant is used in abdominal pain, asthma, bronchitis, cough, gastric ulcers, Jaundice, anaemia.
Gmelina arborea Roxb.VerbenaceaeGamarTreeLeaf, flower, root.The leaf sap is used as a demulcent to treat gonorrhoea and cough, and is also applied to wounds and ulcers. The flowers have been used to treat leprosy and blood diseases. The roots have great medicinal value as a blood purifier, laxative, stomachic, tonic and as an antidote to poisons.
Gnaphalium pensylvanicum Willd.AsteraceaeSilvalomiHerbLeafLeaves are used to treat inflammation, cough and rheumatism arthritis.
Gnetum montanum MarkgratGnetaceaeMonta netumClimberRootThe root is used as a remedy for malaria.
Gnetum scandens Roxb.GnetaceaeBorolata netumClimberStemStem paste is applied to treat boils.
Gnomophalium pulvinatum (Delile) GreuterAsteraceaeNomophaliHerbWhole plant.Paste prepared from the plant is applied on the affected area to treat skin disease. Paste made from the plant is applied as poultice to heal fractured bones.
Gomphostemma parviflorum Wall. ex Benth.LamiaceaeJateri bormalaHerbLeafThe plant is used traditionally in the treatment of painful and inflammatory conditions such as asthma, headache, fever.
Gomphrena globosa L.AmaranthaceaeBotam phulHerbLeaf, flower.Decoction prepared from the flowers of the plant is used for inflammation of the eyes, difficulty urinating, headache, and dysentery. The leaves of the plant are used for the treatment of asthma, chronic bronchitis, and whooping cough.
Goodyera procera (Ker Gawl.) Hook.OrchidaceaeSeragoodyHerbLeafA poultice of the leaves, and the swallowed juice, has been used in the treatment of snake bites.
Gossypium arboreum L.MalvaceaeKarpasShrubRootThe juice of the root is used in the treatment of fever
Gossypium herbaceum L. MalvaceaeKarpasShrubRoot Roots are used to treat dysmenorrhoea and suppression of menstruation.
Gouania tiliifolia Lam.RhamnaceaeHarjen gagotaClimberLeaf, stem, root.The leaves of the plant are used as a poultice for sores. Decoction prepared from the roots of the plant is given to treat gonorrhea. The pulped stems, roots, and leaves are used to treat skin complaints. The plant is also used in the treatment of liver cancer, pneumonia, syphilis, urticaria, and vertigo.
Grangea maderaspatana (L.) Poir.AsteraceaeHolde ghasHerbLeafLeaf infusion is taken to treat stomachache.
Grewia abutilifolia Vent. ex Juss.TiliaceaeKowriShrub or small treeRootThe root is used for rheumatism treatment. The stem bark is said to be used in refining sugar, for making ropes and its infusion is used as a demulcent.
Grewia asiatica L.TiliaceaePhalsaShrub or small treeBarkThe bark is used as a demulcent. It cures urinary troubles and relieves burning in the vagina. 
Grewia nervosa (Lour.) PanigrahiTiliaceaeAsarTreeLeafAn infusion of the leaves is taken as a cooling drink and to remedy indigestion. A drink prepared from the roasted and boiled leaves of the plant is given to children as an anthelmintic medicine. A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied externally to the boils twice or thrice a day for five days to treat boils.
Grewia sclerophylla Roxb. ex G.Don TiliaceaePhalsaShrubRootRoots are prescribed in cough and irritable conditions of the intestines and bladder. Decoction is used as an emollient, enema and as a remedy for leprosy.
Grewia serrulata DC.TiliaceaePanicherraSmall treeLeafLeaves have antimicrobial, and antiemetic activities.
Grewia tiliifolia Vahl TiliaceaePholsaTreeBark, fruit.This tree is used in treating non healing wounds, ulcerative colitis, menorrhagia, cough.
Gymnopetalum chinense (Lour.) Merr.CucurbitaceaeBati jhingaClimberRootRoot paste mixed with hot water is rubbed on the body in body-ache, and atrophy of limb.
A paste made with the roots of the plant is rubbed on body in body pain, and pneumonia.
Gynocardia odorata R.Br. FlacourtiaceaeChaulmoogoraTreeFruitFruits are anthelmintic, useful in bronchitis, ulcers, skin diseases, tumours, inflammations, leprosy, diabetes, gonorrhoea, fever and piles.

Disclaimer: The uses of medicinal plants described in this database are not recommendations, and the authors are not responsible for any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of information in this website. We sincerely hope that this database will be useful to the people who are interested in medicinal plants of Bangladesh. Contents of this site are intended for reference and informational purpose only. No content is intended to constitute any medical treatment recommendation. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of any information on this site. Healthcare professionals like Traditional healers and Herbalists are expected to rely on their professional knowledge.