A Largest Medicinal Plants Database in Bangladesh
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Scientific Name | Family | Vernacular Name | Habit | Plant Parts | Medicinal Uses |
Saccharum arundinaceum Retz. | Poaceae | Tenga ghas | Herb | Root | Root is used in the treatment of dyspepsia, burning sensation. |
Saccharum officinarum L. | Poaceae | Akh | Herb | Leaf, stem. | The stem juice is used to treat sore throats. The sweet juice in the stem is used to treat snakebite. The leaf ash is used to treat sore eyes. |
Saccharum spontaneum L. | Poaceae | Kash | Herb | Root | Root is used in the treatment of dyspepsia, burning sensation, piles, sexual weakness, gynecological troubles, respiratory troubles. |
Sagittaria sagittifolia L. | Alismataceae | Tirmatha | Herb | Leaf | The leaf is used to treat a variety of skin problems |
Sagittaria trifolia L. | Alismataceae | Chotokut | Herb | Leaf | Paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied to treat headache, boils. |
Salix tetrasperma Roxb. | Salicaceae | Panijoma | Tee | Bark | The bark is used to treat fever. |
Salvia plebeia R.Br. | Lamiaceae | Bhuitulsi | Herb | Leaf, seed. | Leaf paste is applied to wounds between the toes caused by prolonged walking barefoot in muddy water. The seeds are used in the treatment of diarrhoea, gonorrhoea, menorrhagia and haemorrhoids. |
Salvia splendens Sellow ex Schult. | Lamiaceae | Shumo salvia | Herb | Leaf, seed. | Leaves used for dressing wounds, treating colds and coughs. Seeds used as emetic, for dysentery, colic, hemorrhoids. |
Salvinia cucullata Roxb. ex Bory | Salviniaceae | Indur kani | Herb | Whole plant. | The plant is used as anthelmintic. |
Sansevieria roxburghiana Schult. & Schult. f. | Agavaceae | Murbba | Herb | Rhizome | Rhizome is used for long standing coughs and consumptive complaints. The juice of the tender shoot is given to children to clear their throats of viscid phlegm. |
Sansevieria trifasciata Prain | Agavaceae | Sapahara | Herb | Leaf | The leaf sap is applied directly on infected sores, cuts and grazes, it is also used to treat fungal and scabies infections. |
Santalum album L. | Santalaceae | Chandan | Tree | Wood | The wood or essential oil is taken internally in the treatment of genito-urinary disorders, fever, sunstroke, digestive problems and abdominal pain. A paste of the wood is used externally to treat skin complaints. |
Sapindus saponaria L. | Sapindaceae | Ritha | Tree | Stem bark, root. | Stem bark and roots are used to treat excessive salivation, epilepsy, chlorosis, insecticidal, dental caries, fever. |
Saraca asoca (Roxb.) Willd. | Caesalpiniaceae | Asok | Tree | Flower, bark. | The flowers are useful in the treatment of scabies in children and various other skin diseases. The plant is useful in treating disorders such as menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, premenstrual syndrome, abnormal bleeding and threatened abortion. |
Saraca indica L. | Caesalpiniaceae | Panshi ashok | Tree | Bark | Bark is used in painful conditions, improves complexion of the body, improves digestion and assimilation, alleviates excessive thirst, to kills all infectious agents, in blood disease, inflammation. |
Saraca thaipingensis Prain | Caesalpiniaceae | Shorna ashok | Tree | Flower | An extract of the flowers is useful in the treatment of haemorrhoids and dysentery. |
Sarcochlamys pulcherrima Gaudich. | Urticaceae | Brihoti | Shrub | Leaf, root. | Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is applied to the infected place twice a day until the eczema is cured. A fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant is taken three times a day (50 ml amount each time) in empty stomach for three weeks to treat jaundice. |
Sarcolobus globosus Wall. | Asclepiadaceae | Baolilata | Climber | Whole plant. | The plant has been used as an herbal medicine for treatment of rheumatism, dengue and fever. |
Saurauia roxburghii Wall. | Actinidiaceae | Dalup | Shrub or small tree | Leaf | A leaf infusion is used in baths to treat boils. |
Schefflera elliptica (Blume) Harms | Araliaceae | Dahina kath | Shrub or small tree | Bark, root. | The bark is employed as a bechic in the treatment of cough. The wood has been chewed to relieve toothache. The roots, mixed with rice, are eaten to cure dropsy. |
Schefflera hypoleuca (Kurz) Harms | Araliaceae | Sheth scefler | Tree | Leaf | Leaf paste is used in treatment of swellings. |
Schima wallichii Choisy | Theaceae | Kanak | Tree | Bark | The sap from the stem is used in the treatment of ear infections. The bark is used as an antiseptic for wounds. |
Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Merr. | Sapindaceae | Kusum | Tree | Bark, seed. | Bark is used to treat skin inflammations and ulcers, while an infusion is taken against malaria. Powdered seeds are applied to wounds. |
Schoenoplectiella articulata (L.) Lye | Cyperaceae | Chechra | Herb | Herb | Herb paste is applied to treat boils and wounds. |
Schumannianthus dichotomus (Roxb.) Gagnep. | Marantaceae | Shitalpati | Herb | Leaf | Massage is done on the affected part of the body twice a day until the rheumatism is cured with the fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant. A paste is made with the leaves of the plant is applied on the boils once a day for five days to treat it. |
Scindapsus officinalis (Roxb.) Schott | Araceae | Goj pipul | Climber | Plant | It has been ethanobotanically used to treat diarrhea and worm infestation. |
Scoparia dulcis L. | Scrophulariaceae | Bandhoney | Herb | Leaf, whole plant. | The whole plant is used for treating a wide range of disorders including diabetes, herpes, coughs and colds, fevers, nausea, dizziness, and as an antidote for snakebites. The leaves are chewed to treat cough. |
Selaginella delicatula (Desv. ex Poir.) Alston | Selaginellaceae | Lataginella | Herb | Whole plant. | The plant is used traditionally to heal wound, menstrual disorder. |
Selaginella uncinata (Desv. ex Poir.) Spring | Selaginellaceae | Nataginella | Herb | Whole plant. | The plant is used to treat uterine disorder, headache. |
Semecarpus anacardium L.f. | Anacardiaceae | Vela | Tree | Fruit, seed, root, latex. | The juice of the seeds is applied externally in the treatment of ringworm and severely chapped feet. A paste or juice of the fruit is used in the treatment of bronchitis, dysentery, fever, asthma and haemorrhoids. The latex is applied externally in the treatment of headaches, skin diseases and scabies. |
Senna alata (L.) Roxb. | Caesalpiniaceae | Dadmardhan | Shrub | Leaf, flower, fruit, bark. | The leaves, flowers and fruit are mixed in an infusion to treat stomach problems. The bark is used to treat skin diseases, diarrhoea, worms, parasitic skin diseases, scabies and eczema. |
Senna hirsuta (L.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby | Caesalpiniaceae | Gandhosena | Shrub | Leaf, root. | An infusion of the leaves is applied externally to treat skin disorders and cracked nipples. A tincture of the root is rubbed onto rheumatic area to treat it. |
Senna obtusifolia (L.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby | Caesalpiniaceae | Chakunda | Herb | Leaf, seed. | Externally, leaves are used to treat skin infections, sores, ulcers and insect bites. The seeds are eaten, combined with a leaf decoction, to treat conjunctivitis. |
Senna occidentalis (L.) Link | Caesalpiniaceae | Boro alkasunda | Herb | Flower, seed, root. | A tea made from roots and dried flowers is used as a treatment for colds and upset stomach. Seed infusion is drunk to calm one’s nerves, and as a treatment for kidney problems, haemorrhage, worms, and cleaning womb and tubes. Root infusion is used in the treatment of bilious fever, ordinary fever, stomach-ache, and to ease menstruation. |
Senna siamea (Lam.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby | Caesalpiniaceae | Minjiri | Tree | Heartwood | The heartwood is said to be a laxative, and a decoction is used against scabies. |
Senna sophera (L.) Roxb. | Caesalpiniaceae | Kalkeshunda | Shrub | Leaf, root. | A leaf infusion is drunk as a remedy for rheumatic and inflammatory fevers, fever and malaria. A decoction of the roots is drunk to relieve painful menstruation and is given to children to stimulate their nervous system. |
Senna timoriensis (DC.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby | Caesalpiniaceae | Timursena | Shrub | Bark | The bark is used as a treatment against scabies. |
Senna tora (L.) Roxb. | Caesalpiniaceae | Terasena | Herb | Leaf | Leaves are used in the treatment of ringworm and skin diseases. Externally, leaves are used to treat skin infections, sores, ulcers and insect bites. |
Sesamum indicum L. | Pedaliaceae | Til | Herb | Leaf, flower, root. | Leaves are used in the treatment of infant cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, catarrh and bladder troubles. The flowers are used to make an emollient tea. Root decoction is used in various traditions to treat asthma and coughs. |
Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) W.Wight | Fabaceae | Dhounja | Shrub | Leaf, seed. | Leaves of the plant are used in the treatment of inflammations, bacterial infections and tumour. The seed, mixed with flour, is used to treat ringworm and other skin diseases and worms. |
Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers. | Fabaceae | Bokful | Tree | Leaf, flower, bark, root. | Juice of the flowers, put in the eyes, is said to relieve dimness of vision. A paste of the root is applied externally in the treatment of rheumatism. A bark decoction is taken orally to treat fever, diarrhoea, dysentery and diabetes. Crushed leaves are applied as a poultice to sprains and bruises of all kinds, swellings, rheumatism, itching. |
Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. | Fabaceae | Dhaincha | Herb | Leaf, root. | The fresh roots and leaves are used to treat scorpion stings, boils and abscesses. A decoction made with the leaves of the plant is used to treat sore throat, gonorrhoea, syphilis, spasmodic fits in children and jaundice during pregnancy. |
Setaria italica (L.) P.Beauv. | Poaceae | Kawn | Herb | Seed | Seeds are used in the treatment of dyspepsia, poor digestion and food stagnancy in the abdomen. |
Shirakiopsis indica (Willd.) Esser | Euphorbiaceae | Hurmui | Tree | Leaf | An infusion of the leaves is taken as a treatment for gonorrhea. |
Shorea robusta Gaertner f. | Dipterocarpaceae | Shal | Tree | Leaf | The leaf juice is used in the treatment of dysentery. |
Sida acuta Burm.f. | Malvaceae | Ban Methi | Herb | Leaf, root. | A decoction of the leaves is used to bathe wounds. The juice of the root is used to treat fever. The root is chewed to relieve a toothache. |
Sida cordata (Burm.f.) Borss.Waalk. | Malvaceae | Pitberal | Herb | Leaf, root. | The juice of the root is used to treat indigestion. The juice of the leaves is used to treat cuts and wounds. |
Sida cordifolia L. | Malvaceae | Shet-berela | Herb | Leaf, stem. | Juice extracted from the leaves and stems of the plant is given for the treatment of spermatorrhoea, rheumatism, and gonorrhoea. |
Sida rhombifolia L. | Malvaceae | Lalberela | Herb | Leaf | Leaves are used as a poultice in the treatment of headaches, boils, cramps, rheumatism, toothache, chapped lips and pimples. |
Smilax glabra Roxb. | Smilacaceae | Topachini | Climber | Root | The root has been used in the treatment of cancer, mercury poisoning, acute bacterial dysentery, rheumatoid arthritis and syphilis. |
Smilax ovalifolia Roxb. ex D.Don | Smilacaceae | Kumari lata | Climber | Leaf, tender shoot, root. | Different parts of the plant (roots, leaves and tender shoots) are variably used in treating wide range of diseases like jaundice, skin problems, toothache, urinary complain, muscular sprain, stomach pain, rheumatic arthritis, venereal diseases, infertility, as sexual stimulant, in abnormal semen discharge. |
Smilax perfoliata Lour. | Smilacaceae | Kumarika | Climber | Stem, root | Roots and stems are used as anticancer, anti‐dysenteric and in urinary complaints. |
Smilax zeylanica L. | Smilacaceae | Lonica lata | Climber | Root | Roots are used for the treatment of syphilis, gonorrhea, skin disease and acts like a blood purifier. |
Solanum americanum Mill. | Solanaceae | Tit-begun | Herb | Leaf, root. | The juice extracted from the leaves is used to relieve chronic conjunctivitis and related inflammations. A decoction of the root, mixed with lime juice and a pinch of salt, is drunk as a treatment for malaria. |
Solanum capsicoides All. | Solanaceae | Lal begun | Herb | Fruit, seed, root. | The fruits, charred and pounded in oil, are used to treat skin complaints. The pounded roots have been applied to the gums as a remedy against toothache. The smoke of dried, pounded and burned seeds has been inhaled to cure an ulcerated nose. |
Solanum erianthum D.Don | Solanaceae | Eri begun | Shrub | Leaf, root. | The pounded leaves are used as a poultice to treat piles, haemorrhoids and scrofula. A decoction from the roots is applied to treat violent pains all over the body or to relieve digestive troubles; it is also given to treat dysentery, diarrhoea and fever. |
Solanum ferox L. | Solanaceae | Fero begun | Herb | Flower, seed, root. | Roots used externally for baths for fevers and as poultice for itches, cuts, wounds and bruises. Dried seeds and flowers are kept in mouths for tooth decay. |
Solanum lasiocarpum Dunal | Solanaceae | Kantha-sola | Herb or subshrub | Leaf, root. | The roots are used externally in a bath for fever at night, and, in a poultice, for itches, cuts, wounds, and severe bruises. The leaves are used as poultices for swellings. |
Solanum melongena L. | Solanaceae | Begun | Herb | Leaf, fruit. | Fruits are bruised with vinegar and used as a poultice for cracked nipples, abscesses and haemorrhoids. A soothing and emollient poultice for the treatment of burns, abscesses, cold sores, haemorrhoids and similar conditions can be made from the leaves. |
Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam. | Solanaceae | Kanta begun | Herb | Leaf | Leaf paste is used to treat rheumatism. |
Solanum spirale Roxb. | Solanaceae | Ghrni begun | Shrub | Bark, root. | The bark is broken and soaked in cold water, then used as a febrifuge for adults and infants. he roots are anaesthetic, diuretic and narcotic. |
Solanum torvum Sw. | Solanaceae | Gotha begun | Shrub | Leaf, root. | The leaves are dried and ground to powder, this is used as a medicine for diabetic patients. A decoction of the root is used to treat venereal disease. The juice of the plant is used to treat fevers, coughs, asthma, chest ailments, sore throats, rheumatism, dropsy, stomach aches and gonorrhea. |
Solanum trilobatum L. | Solanaceae | Trikunpata begun | Climber | Leaf, root. | The bitter roots and young shoots have been given in the form of an electuary, a decoction or a powder for consumption. The medicine is mainly used for asthma, chronic febrile affections and difficult parturition. It is used in the treatment of asthma; vomiting of blood; rheumatism; several kinds of leprosy; to help reduce blood glucose levels |
Solanum tuberosum L. | Solanaceae | Gol alu | Herb | Tuber | A juice made from the tubers, when taken in moderation, can be helpful in the treatment of peptic ulcers, bringing relief from pain and acidity. |
Solanum violaceum Ortega | Solanaceae | Phutki | Shrub | Leaf, stem. | A decoction is made with leaves and stems of the plant are taken twice a day (10 ml amount each time) for seven days to treat dysuria. |
Solanum virginianum L. | Solanaceae | Kantikari begun | Herb | Seed | Seeds are used in the treatment of asthma and catarrh. |
Solena amplexicaulis (Lam.) Gandhi | Cucurbitaceae | Kundri | Climber | Root | The root is given as a remedy for spermatorrhoea. |
Sonchus wightianus DC. | Asteraceae | Ban palang | Herb | Leaf, stem. | Juice extracted from the leaves and stems of the plant is administered for the treatment of jaundice, cough, bronchitis, and asthma. |
Sonneratia alba J.E.Smith | Sonneratiaceae | Nona keora | Tree | Fruit | The fruit is used to treat intestinal parasites and coughs. |
Sonneratia apetala Buch.-Ham. | Sonneratiaceae | Petakeora | Tree | Fruit, bark. | Fruits and bark are used to treat ulcers, swellings, sprains, bleeding, hemorrhages, and piles. |
Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engl. | Sonneratiaceae | Orali | Tree | Leaf | The pounded leaves are used as a treatment for haematuria and smallpox. |
Sonneratia griffithii Kurz | Sonneratiaceae | Lemchi choila | Tree | Bark | Bark are used to treat ulcers, swellings. |
Spermacoce alata Aubl. | Rubiaceae | Ghuijil | Herb | Leaf | The leaves are said to be applied topically in the treatment of skin problems such as leprosy, furuncles, ulcers, itches. |
Spermacoce articularis L.f. | Rubiaceae | Atharogia | Herb | Leaf. | Leaves are used to treat ophthalmia, inflammation of eye and gums, blindness, earache, fever, spleen complaints, pimples, sores and dysentery. |
Spermacoce exilis (L.O.Williams) C.D.Adams ex W.C.Burger & C.M.Taylor | Rubiaceae | Butamphul | Herb | Whle plant. | Paste prepared from the plant is applied on the forehead twice a day until the headache is cured. A paste is made with the plants are applied to the affected parts of the body once a day for 15 days to treat rheumatism. |
Spermacoce ocymoides Burm.f. | Rubiaceae | Arunpata | Herb | Leaf, stem. | A fresh juice is extracted from leaves and stems of the plant are taken thrice a day (5 ml amount each time) for three days to treat diarrhoea and dysentery. Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is applied externally to treat eczema and skin diseases. |
Sphaeranthus africanus L. | Asteraceae | Gongasag | Herb | Whole plant. | The plant is believed to pacify vitiated vata, pitta epilepsy, migraine, jaundice, fever, cough, hemorrhoids, helminthiasis, skin diseases and as nervine tonic. |
Sphaeranthus indicus L. | Asteraceae | Chhagal nudie | Herb | Whole plant. | The herb is used to treat vitiated conditions of epilepsy, mental illness, hemicrania, jaundice, hepatopathy, diabetes, leprosy, fever, pectoralgia, cough, gastropathy, hernia, hemorrhoids, helminthiasis, dyspepsia and skin diseases. |
Sphagneticola calendulacea (L.) Pruski | Asteraceae | Bhringaraj | Herb | Leaf. | Leaves of the plant are mainly used for the treatment of inflammations, including abscesses and sore throat; it is also used to treat coughs |
Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski | Asteraceae | Latadeji | Herb | Whole plant. | Decoction of the plant is used to treat severe chest cold. |
Sphenoclea zeylanica Gaertn. | Sphenocleaceae | Zil-morich | Herb | Leaf | The leaves are used in a poultice against the stings of venomous animals and to cure the ulcers. |
Spilanthes acmella (L.) L. | Asteraceae | Marhatitiga | Herb | Leaf, flower. | The palnt is used as remedy for toothache, flu, cough, rabies diseases, and tuberculosis. |
Spinacia oleracea L. | Chenopodiaceae | Palong | Herb | Leaf, seed. | The leaves have been used in the treatment of febrile conditions, inflammation of the lungs and the bowels. Seeds have been used in the treatment of difficult breathing, inflammation of the liver and jaundice. |
Spondias pinnata (L.f.) Kurz | Anacardiaceae | Amra | Tree | Bark, fruit. | The bark is used in dysentery, diarrhea, biliousness, menstrual disorders, arthritis, tuberculosis, for rubbing on the skin over painful joints. Fruit is used in the treatment of bilious dyspepsia |
Stachyphrynium placentarium (Lour.) Clausager & Borchs. | Marantaceae | Gaiyamram | Herb | Leaf | Leaf past is used ot treat swelling. |
Stellaria wallichiana Haines | Caryophyllaceae | Sada fulki | Herb | Whole palnt. | The plant is useful in the treatment of chest complaints and in small quantities it also aids digestion. |
Stemona tuberosa Lour. | Stemonaceae | Lalgurania alu | Climber | Root | A decoction of the roots is applied externally as a treatment for impetigo and scabies. |
Stephania glabra (Roxb.) Miers | Menispermaceae | Thanda manik | Climber | Root | Root is used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma, abdominal pains and dysentery. |
Stephania japonica (Thunb.) Miers | Menispermaceae | Maknadi | Climber | Leaf, root. | Tuberous root is used in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery; fevers; stomach ache and dyspepsia; hepatitis; and urinary disease. The crushed leaves in water form a slightly gelatinous mass which is applied to breast infections. |
Sterculia foetida L. | Sterculiaceae | Jonglibadam | Tree | Bark, fruit. | Bark is used in the treatment of dropsy and rheumatism. Fruit is used in the treatment of gonorrhea. |
Sterculia hamiltonii (Kuntze) Adelb. | Sterculiaceae | Toni udal | Small tree | Bark | Bark is used in the treatment of dropsy and rheumatism. |
Sterculia lanceifolia Roxb. | Sterculiaceae | Lanci udal | Small tree | Leaf | Paste made with the leaves is applied to treat rheumatism. |
Sterculia villosa Roxb. | Sterculiaceae | Udal | Tree | Bark, root. | Infusion of barks is given to treat seminal weakness. Pea-sized pills made with the roots of the plantare taken once a day (one pill each time) for seven days to treat spermatorrhoea. |
Stereospermum tetragonum DC. | Bignoniaceae | Dharmara | Tree | Root | The roots are used as anodyne, appetiser, constipating, diuretic, , expectorant, cardio tonic, aphrodisiac, anti- inflammatory, anti bacterial, anti-cancer. |
Stereospermum chelonoides (L.f.) DC. | Bignoniaceae | Parul | Tree | Bark | The juice of the bark is used to treat indigestion. |
Steudnera colocasiifolia K.Koch | Araceae | Bishkachu | Herb | Leaf | Leaf paste is used to treat rheumatism. |
Stixis suaveolens (Roxb.) Pierre | Capparaceae | Madhumalati | Woody climber | Fruits | Fruits of the plant are used to treat cough and malaria. |
Streblus asper Lour. | Moraceae | Shaora | Tree | Bark | A decoction of the stem bark is used in the treatment of dysentery, diarrhoea and fever. A decoction of the roots is used to treat diphtheria. |
Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze | Scrophulariaceae | Rangabijli | Herb | Plant | Herb is used to treat strangury. |
Strobilanthes auriculatus (Wall.) Nees | Acanthaceae | Hutidaru | Shrub | Leaf, whole plant. | Whole plant is used as an antidote for snake poison. Leaves are used to treat intermittent fever. |
Strobilanthes macrostegia C.B.Clarke | Acanthaceae | Borobila | Shrub | Leaf | Leaf paste is applied to topically to treat boils. |
Strobilanthes rufescens T.Anderson | Acanthaceae | Rafibila | Shrub | Leaf | Paste made with the roots is applied to treat headache. |
Strobilanthes scaber Nees | Acanthaceae | Khaskhasabila | Herb | Leaf | Leaves are used to treat kidney stones and diabetes. |
Strychnos nux-vomica L. | Loganiaceae | Kuchila | Tree | Leaf, root. | The leaves are used as a poultice on sloughing wounds and ulcers, especially in cases where maggots are present. The root bark is ground up into a fine paste with lime juice and made into pills which are said to be an effective treatment for cholera. The plant has been employed with alleged benefit in intermittent fevers, epilepsy, diabetes, anaemia, chlorosis, and other affections |
Suregada lanceolata (Willd.) Kuntze | Euphorbiaceae | Silanaringa | Tree | Leaf | A paste is made with the leaves of the plant is applied on the affected areas to treat rheumatism. |
Suregada multiflora (A.Juss.) Baill. | Euphorbiaceae | Ban-naringa | Tree | Bark | Fresh juice extracted from the bark of the plant is administered for the treatment of fever. |
Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq. | Meliaceae | Mahogony | Tree | Bark | The bark extract is used to cure malaria, anemia, diarrhea, fever, dysentery. A decoction of the bark is used externally for dressing wounds. |
Swintonia floribunda Griff. | Anacardiaceae | Boilam | Tree | Leaf, bark. | Leaf, bark are used to treat central nervous system stimulant, pain, used as insect repellent. |
Symphorema involucratum Roxb. | Verbenaceae | Budamarri | Climber | Leaf | Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is applied to treat snakebites, and scorpion bites. Leaf paste is applied to treat paralysis, rheumatism, and inflammations. |
Symplocos racemosa Roxb. | Symplocaceae | Puiyadodmotor | Shrub or small tree | Bark | The bark decoction with milk for used for the treatment of rmenstrual disorder. |
Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. | Asteraceae | Relanodi | Herb | Bark | Bark has antimicrobial activity. |
Syngonium podophyllum Schott | Araceae | Podolatakachu | Climber | Root, bark. | Roots and bark used in traditional medicine for treatment of superficial and deep wounds, various skin disorders. |
Syzygium aqueum (Burm.f.) Alston | Myrtaceae | Panijam | Tree | Leaf | An infusion of the leaves is used in the treatment of stomach aches and dysentery. |
Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels | Myrtaceae | Jam | Tree | Bark | The bark is used for the treatment of sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, thirst, biliousness, dysentery and ulcers. |
Syzygium fruticosum (Roxb.) DC. | Myrtaceae | Khudijam | Tree | Leaf | Leaf decoction is used as folk remedy for the treatment of diabetes, stomachic, and bronchitis. |
Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston | Myrtaceae | Golapjam | Tree | Leaf, bark, seed. | A decoction of the leaves is used as a remedy for sore eyes and for rheumatism. The seeds are used to treat diarrhoea, dysentery, diabetes and catarrh. A decoction of bark is administered to relieve asthma and bronchitis. |
Syzygium megacarpum (Craib) Rathakr. & N.C.Nair | Myrtaceae | Chaltajam | Tree | Root | Root paste is applied to treat headache. |
Syzygium nervosum A.Cunn. ex DC. | Myrtaceae | Botijam | Tree | Flower, root. | The root of the plant is used in the treatment of burn, leprosy, pruritis of skin, eczema. The flower bud is used to treat cold, fever, dysentery, vomiting ad indigestion. |
Syzygium samarangense (Blume) Merr. & L.M.Perry | Myrtaceae | Samari jamrul | Tree | Leaf | A paste is made with leaves of the plant is applied on the affected area for the treatment of inflammation. Powdered leaves are used for cracked tongues. A decoction is made with leaves of the plant is given twice a day for three days to treat fever. |
Disclaimer: The uses of medicinal plants described in this database are not recommendations, and the authors are not responsible for any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of information in this website. We sincerely hope that this database will be useful to the people who are interested in medicinal plants of Bangladesh. Contents of this site are intended for reference and informational purpose only. No content is intended to constitute any medical treatment recommendation. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of any information on this site. Healthcare professionals like Traditional healers and Herbalists are expected to rely on their professional knowledge.