A Largest Medicinal Plants Database in Bangladesh
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Scientific Name | Family | Vernacular Name | Habit | Plant Parts | Medicinal Uses |
Ranunculus sceleratus L. | Ranunculaceae | Palik | Herb | Leaf, seed, root. | The leaves and the root are used externally as an antirheumatic. The seed is tonic and is used in the treatment of colds, general debility, rheumatism and spermatorrhoea. |
Raphanus sativus L. | Brassicaceae | Mula | Herb | ||
Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz | Apocynaceae | Swarpagondha | Shrub | Leaf, bark, root. | The bark, leaves, and roots are used against snake and scorpion poisoning. The juice of the leaves is used to remove opacities of the cornea of the eyes and also to treat wounds and itches. |
Rauvolfia tetraphylla L. | Apocynaceae | Chata swarpagandha | Shrub | Root | Root is used in the treatment of malaria, remedies for snake bites. |
Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzelius | Apocynaceae | Bon swarpagandha | Shrub or small tree | Root | A root decoction, root macerate or powdered root in water is used throughout the range of the plant as a treatment for diarrhoea, rheumatism, jaundice, venereal diseases and snakebites. Root products are also widely taken to treat hypertension, and as a sedative to calm people with epilepsy, and those who are psychotic or mentally ill. |
Ravenala madagascariensis Sonn. | Strelitziaceae | Panthopadop | Herb | Leaf | Young leaves of the plant are used in folklore medicine in the treatment of diabetes and kidney stone. |
Reinwardtia indica Dumort. | Linaceae | Basanta | Undershrub | Root | Root paste is used in the treatment of measles. |
Rhaphidophora glauca (Wall.) Schott | Araceae | Fidoca | Liana | Leaf | A fresh juice is extracted from the leaves of the plant, after adding some sugar it is taken twice a day (two tea spoons amount each time) for one week to treat hook worm infestation. Pea-sized pills are made with the leaves of the plant is taken thrice a day (two pills each time) for one month to treat cirrhosis. A paste is made with the leaves of the plant, after fixing the dislocated bones bandage is made on the fractured bone with that paste and kept for 15 days to treat it. |
Rhinacanthus nasutus (L.) Kurz | Acanthaceae | Juipana | Herb | Leaf, root. | The roots and leaves are applied externally as a remedy for certain skin disorders such as ringworm, eczema, scurf and herpes. |
Rhizophora mucronata Lam | Rhizophoraceae | Khamo | Tree | Leaf, bark. | Extract from the seedlings is used to treat diarrhea, diabetes, dysentery, hematuria. A poultice of the leaves is used to relief armoured fish stings. Bark is used to treat blood in the urine. |
Rhus chinensis Mill. | Anacardiaceae | China kakrashringi | Tree | Leaf, seed, root. | The seed is used in the treatment of coughs, dysentery, fever, jaundice, malaria and rheumatism. Leaf and root decoction is used in the treatment of haemoptysis, inflammations, laryngitis, snakebite, stomach-ache and traumatic fractures. |
Rhynchostylis retusa (L.) Blume | Orchidaceae | Shial leza orchid | Epiphytic herb | Leaf | Leaves of the plant are used for the treatment of blood dysentery. Fresh juice is extracted from the leaves of the plant is applied on the infected skin twice a day for three days to treat skin disease. Juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is adminstered for the treatment of asthma, tuberculosis, and epilepsy. |
Rhynchotechum ellipticum (Wall. ex D. Dietr.) A. DC. | Gesneriaceae | Choedhima | Herb | Leaf | Leaf extract alleviates cough. |
Richardia scabra L. | Rubiaceae | Nakli ipecac | Herb | Leaf | The plant is used to lowering fevers and preventing cyst formation in amoebic dysentery. |
Ricinus communis L. | Euphorbiaceae | Verenda | Herb | Leaf | The leaves are used as a poultice to relieve headaches and treat boils. |
Rorippa dubia (Pers.) H.Hara | Brassicaceae | Dubasarisha | Herb | Leaf, stem. | Pea-sized pills are made from leaves and stems of the plant is taken thrice a day (one pill each time) until the asthma is cured. |
Rorippa indica (L.) Hiern | Brassicaceae | Bansarisha | Herb | Leaf, stem | Burning ashes is made from leave and stems of the plant are used for tooth brushing thrice a day until the pyorrhoea is cured. |
Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser | Brassicaceae | Panisarisha | Herb | Leaf | Leaf paste is applied to treat headache. |
Rosa chinensis Jacq. | Rosaceae | Kanta golap | Shrub | Leaf, flower, fruit, root. | The leaves, fruits and roots are decocted and used in the treatment of arthritis, boils, cough. The fruit is applied to sprains, ulcers and wounds. The flower buds are used in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea, poor circulation, stomach pains and swellings. |
Rotala densiflora (Roth) Koehne | Lythraceae | Mela-ghurni | Herb | Whole plant. | The plant is used for the treatment of gonorrhoea, menstrual cramps and piles. |
Rotala rotundifolia (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Koehne | Lythraceae | Dim ghurni | Herb | Leaf, stem. | Juice is extracted from the leaves and stems of the plant are given to cure cough, cold and fever. |
Rourea commutata Planch. | Connaraceae | Pashacuta | Shrub | Root | A decoction of the roots is used as a remedy for diarrhea. |
Rubia cordifolia L. | Rubiaceae | Monjistha | Climber | Leaf stem, root. | The leaves are burnt and the ashes are applied externally to treat mastitis and itchy skin. The roots are used internally in the treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding, internal and external haemorrhage, bronchitis, rheumatism, stones in the kidney, bladder and gall, dysentery. Stems are used in the treatment of blood disorders and spreading fever of kidneys and intestines. |
Ruellia simplex C.Wright | Acanthaceae | Malaghanti | Herb | Leaf, stem. | Paste prepared from the leaves and stems of the plant is applied on the affected part of the body to treat joint pain. |
Ruellia tuberosa L. | Acanthaceae | Chotpoty | Herb | Leaf, stem. | An extract is made with leaves and stems of the plant are used for gargling four times a day for five days to treat toothache. The plant is used for gonorrhoea, syphilis, bladder stones, bronchitis and cancer. |
Rumex dentatus L. | Polygonaceae | Bon-palong | Herb | Root | Roots are used to treat eczema, diarrhea, and constipation. |
Rumex maritimus L. | Polygonaceae | Datipalong | Herb | Fruit | Crushed paste of fruit is applied for the treatment of ringworm and skin disease. |
Rumex vesicarius L. | Polygonaceae | Chukapalong | Herb | Seed | The seed is roasted and used in the treatment of dysentery. |
Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees | Acanthaceae | Punaka pundu | Herb | Leaf, root. | Juice extracted from the leaves and stems of the plant is given to children suffering from small pox. Fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant is given for the treatment of fever. |
Disclaimer: The uses of medicinal plants described in this database are not recommendations, and the authors are not responsible for any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of information in this website. We sincerely hope that this database will be useful to the people who are interested in medicinal plants of Bangladesh. Contents of this site are intended for reference and informational purpose only. No content is intended to constitute any medical treatment recommendation. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of any information on this site. Healthcare professionals like Traditional healers and Herbalists are expected to rely on their professional knowledge.