Family: Scrophulariaceae
Synonym: Torenia crustacea (L.) Cham.& Schltdl.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Chapra ghas.
English name: Malaysian false pimpernel.
Description of the Plant: A small, annual herb. Stem usually prostrate, sometimes erect or creeping and rooting at lower nodes, with branches ascending up to 20 cm. leaves ovate to ovate-cordate, truncate to subcordate at the base, subacute at the apex. Flowers axillary, solitary, purplish-blue. Capsules ovoid, oblong or globose.
Plant parts Used: Leaf, whole plant.
Uses: Paste prepared from the plant is applied to the mouth of boils to
treat it.
Plant juice is applied to the sore thrice a day for seven days to treat sore in
A paste made with the plant is applied to the infected skin twice a day until
the ringworm is cured.
Leaf paste with lemon juice is taken orally to cure excess bile secretion.
An extract made with the whole plant by boiling in water is advised to use for
washing the infected skin twice a day for seven days to treat itching.
Fresh juice extracted from the plant is used for the treatment of menorrhagia,
gonorrhea, and jaundice.
Decoction prepared from the plant is given to treat constipation.
Leaf paste applied externally to treat ringworm.
The herbs are used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, and indigestion.
The powdered herb mixed with rice
water is drunk to relieve vomiting, and cholera.
A decoction of the leaves is given as a medicine after childbirth.
An infusion is used to diminish leakage of albuminuria, and to treat leprosy.
Traditionally it is used as a remedy for urinary disturbances,
bronchitis, headache, liver complaints, spleen diseases, fever, loss of
appetite, asthma, cough, and skin diseases.
Distribution: This species is found throughout the country.
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