Scientific name: Lindernia antipoda (L.) Alston
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Synonym: Ruellia antipoda L., Vandellia veronicifolia (Retz.) Haines
Bengali/Vernacular name: Zai ghas, Sada pani ghas, Choto helencha.
Tribal name: Junnihar (Chakma).
English name: Sparrow false pimpernel.
Description of the plant: A small annual herb with stems erect or prostrate and then usually rooting at lower nodes, 20-30 cm long, branched at base, hairless. Leaves 1-4 cm long, variable in shape, ovate-oblong, obovate-oblong, oblanceolate, base cuneate, apex obtuse, margin with shallow to sharp serration or crenate-serrate, sometimes almost entire. Flowers in terminal or axillary racemes, pale violet or violet-blue to pale blue or white, occasionally pale purple. Capsules linear-cylindric, 5-12 mm long.
Plant parts used: Leaf.
Ethnomedicinal uses: A paste is made with the leaves of the plant are applied externally on the boils twice a day for five days to treat it.
Decoction is prepared from the leaves of the plant is taken for abdominal pain.
Leaf paste is applied for cut and wound healing.
The leaves of the plant are used for the treatment of biliousness affections and dysentery; in poultices for sores, ringworm, and itches.
Distribution: The species occurs commonly throughout the country.
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