Family: Malvaceae
Synonym:Hibiscus fraternus L.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Lalmesta, Mesta, Patoa, Chukair (Bengali); Kharapatsa, (Chittagong); Chuaiy (Noakhali).
Tribal name: Amile (Chakma); Puyng–shi, Un thun sung krak (Bawm); Mikch arapaing (Chak); Menda-guru (Garo); Anthur (Lushai); Jang gri se (Marma); kan sur ka (Murang); Anthur (Pangkhoa); Mayn-bawn-apang (Rakhaing); Mukhoi-kechak, Mukhroi bathai (Tripura).
English name: Indian sorrel, Jamaica sorrel, Natal sorrel, Red sorrel, Rosella, Rozella, Hemp, Siam jute.
Description of the plant: An erect, annual herb, 1-5 m high. Leaves 8-12 cm long, variable in shape, deeply digitately 3-7 lobed or deeply 3-7 palmatisect, lobes elliptic to oblong.Flowers large, purple with darker center, axillary, solitary. Fruit ovoid, pointed, hairy, about 2.5 cm long, enclosed by a fleshy and enlarged calyx.
Plant parts used: Leaf, stem, fruit, seed.
Herbal uses: Fresh juice extracted from leaves and stems of the plant after warming is massaging the whole body four times a day for one month to treat paralysis.
Lotion made from leavesof the plantisused for sorestreatment.
A boiled drink prepared from the fruit and calyx, with salt, pepper, and molasses, used forthe treatment of biliousness.
Decoction of seeds isused for the treatment of dysuria and strangury; for mild dyspepsia and debility.
Heated leaves applied to cracks in the feet; also, to boils and ulcers to hasten healing and maturation.
Decoction prepared from leaves and stems of the plant is taken for the treatment of hypertension.
A fresh juice extracted from leaves and stems of the plant is taken twice a day (5 ml amount each time) for three days to treat hysteria.
Distribution: It is cultivated in all parts of the country.
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