Family: Moraceae
Synonym: Ficus taeda Kunth & C.D.Bouché
Bengali/Vernacular name: Bor-bot, Atabor, Bharotio-rubber, Rubber gach, Attah bar.
Tribal name: Diengjri (khasia).
English name: Indian rubber tree.
Description of the Plant: A medium to large evergreen tree with milky latex. Trunk and young shoots glabrous, crown very dense, branches spreading with or without narrow aerial hanging roots. Leaves simple, alternate, petiolate, lamina oblong, 22-25 X 14-16 cm, thick, glossy above, base cuneate to obtuse, margin entire, and apex shortly acuminate, stipules large, up to 25 cm long, rosy or pinkish-brown when young. Hypanthodia axillary, sessile, usually in pairs, ovoid-oblong, greenish, subtended by 3 bracts.
Plant parts Used: Leaf, bark, rootlets.
Uses: Leaves and stem bark antibacterial,
anti-inflammatory, poultice applied to new and old wounds.
of aerial rootlets used for cuts, and sores.
The latex has been successfully used to treat five cases of trichuriasis.
A decoction of the aerial rootlets is used as a vulnerary.
Distribution: This species is found throughout the country.
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