Family: Euphorbiaceae
Synonym: Tithymalus antiquorus (L.) Moench
Bengali/Vernacular name: Tesramansa, Nerasij, Sibgach, Tiktasij, Bajbaran, Kata gach.
Tribal name: Ching-jawng (Chak), A-rong-jora (Garo), Krah-sij (Khasia), Huanpal (Lushai), HJi jong ba (Marma), Philurut (Murang), Chu-bawn (Rakhaing), Sik pata (Tanchangya).
English name: Triangular spurge, Square spurge, Square milk hedge, Fleshy spurge.
Description of the Plant: A small tree, up to 9 m tall, trunk straight, erect, branches fleshy, numerous, terete or 3 to several-angled, upward curving, young branches jointed with 3-4 thick wings, very coarsely crenate, spines 3-5 mm long, black, paired. Leaves very small, sessile, fleshy, obovate-oblong, cuneate at the base, rounded at the apex, glabrous, soon deciduous. Involucres 3, in shortly stalked cymes, pale yellow, rotately spreading around involucre. Fruit a capsule, 8-10 mm across.
Plant parts Used: Stem.
Uses: Juice extracted from the stems of the plant is used to cure
Latex applied to boils for early suppuration, and healing.
Juice of the stem used for chest pain, and constipation.
A preparation from the plant is given as a cure for cough.
Decoction of the stem is used in gout.
The latex is applied externally to swellings, warts, and other skin affections.
Dried heartwood is used in applications to treat toothache.
Latex of the stem used in rheumatism, toothache, nervine diseases, and dropsy.
Distribution: It occurs in Dhaka, Shatkhira districts.
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