Family: Sonneratiaceae
Synonym:Duabanga sonneratioides Buch.-Ham.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Bandorhola, Kocha, Lampati, Ramdala.
Tribal name: Ramdala (Manipuri).
English name: Duabanga.
Description of the plant: A large glabrous tree, up to 45 m tall with pendulous branches. Leaves petiolate, 10-30 cm long, 5-12 cm wide, oblong to oblanceolate, base rounded to shallowly cordate, acuminate.Inflorescence 5 to many-flowered, terminal, drooping corymb. Flowers come out in panicles in leaf axils and at the end of branches. Each flower is large, 5-6 cm across, white in colour and ill-smelling. The sepal structure is very thick, bell-shaped, and persistent. The 6 petals fall off soon. Stamens numerous, white, longer than the petals. The fruit is a more or less rounded, leathery capsule, about the size of a small orange.
Plant parts used: Bark.
Herbal uses:The bark of the plant is utilized for the treatment of smallpox.
Powder made from the bark of the plant is mixed in water and applied externally as a poultice or rub to rheumatic swellings to treat it.
Bark of the plant is used for the treatment of ulcers in the mouth.
Distribution: It is found in the forests of Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, and Sylhet districts, and the Chittagong Hill Tracts.
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