Scientific name: Dendrophthoe falcata (L.f.) Ett.
Family: Loranthaceae
Synonym: Loranthus falcatus L. f.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Bandha, Bara manda, Pharulla.
Tribal name:
Porsal (Chakma), Dorangsi-phang (Garo), Alikhowng (Khumi).
English name: Honey suckle mistletoe
Description of the plant: A large, bushy branch-parasite, stem often more than 1 m long forms a burr at the point of attachment with the host, bark grey lenticellate. Leaves subsessile to petiolate, opposite or subopposite, sometimes alternate, very variable in shape, ovate, obovate, or elliptic, thick coriaceous. Flowers in short, spreading stout axillary unilateral racemes. Corolla tubular, curved, 3-5 cm long, scarlet or orange or less commonly pink or white. Fruit oblong, brownish-black when ripe, crowned with cupular calyx, exocarp coriaceous, mesocarp viscous.
Plant parts used: Stem.
Medicinal uses: Juice extracted from the stems is taken once a day (5 ml amount) for the treatment of headache.
Paste is made with stems of the plants is applied on the tumour once a day until the disease is cured.
Distribution: Found as tree parasite throughout the country.
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