Scientific name: Daucus carota L.
Family: Apiaceae
Synonym: Daucus gingidium Georgi.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Gazar.
Tribal name: Molasha chaa (Chak), Molaring (Murang), Gazawr (Pangkhoa), Gajjor (Rakhaing).
English name: Carrot.
Description of the plant: An annual or biennial erect herb, with thick, fusiform, orange-yellow root and the top of the root often green. Leaves 8-12, growing in a rosette, with long petiole often sheathed at the base, triangular or oblong in outline, 2-3 pinnatisect into oblong-lanceolate, incised-dentate segments, those of the upper leaves linear-lanceolate. Flowers small, white in a compound umbels.
Plant parts used: Root.
Medicinal uses: Roots are boiled in milk; the milk is drunk and at the same time a poultice of the root is applied to the chest for the treatment of cough and chest afflictions.
Ointment made from roots of the plant is used for
the treatment of burns.
A paste is made with the roots of the plant is applied on the boils twice a day
until the boils is cured.
Paste prepared from roots of the plant is applied on the affected skin for thrice a day until the leprosy is cured.
Fresh juice extracted from roots of the plant is taken thrice a day (100 ml amount each time) for seven days to treat jaundice.
Root paste is applied on the affected skin after washing twice a day for three days to treat eczema.
Distribution: It is cultivated all over the country as a vegetable.
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