Family: Cyperaceae
Synonym: Cyperus tuberosus Rottb.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Mutha, Nagarmutha, Bhadailla, Sada muthi, Sadakufi.
Tribal name: Aemuie-acha (Khumi), Horchak (Murang), Belring (Pangkhoa), Mraa-kaa-lu (Rakhaing).
English name: Nut grass.
Description of the Plant: A slender, glabrous sedge; stolons slender, 10-20 cm long, bearing ovoid, black, fragrant tubers, 0.8-2.5 cm diameter. Leaves basal, several, blade linear, up to 60 cm long. Umbel simple or compound; rays 2-8, the longest reaching 7.5 cm long, bearing short spikes of 3-10 slender, spreading red-brown spikelets. Nutlets cylindric to cylindric-obovate, trigonous, brown.
Plant parts Used: Tuber.
Uses: Decoction made with the tubers of the plant is taken twice a day
for three days to treat fever.
Tubers of the plant are given twice a day for three days to treat dyspepsia.
Infusion of tubers is taken thrice a day for seven days to treat dysentery.
Tubers are used in leprosy, thirst, blood disease, vomiting, epilepsy,
ophthalmia, stomach disorder, and irritation of the bowels treatment.
A fresh juice extracted from tubers of the plant is taken for the treatment of
Tubers of the plant are given for the treatment of liver complaints.
The plant is used in the treatment of cervical cancer.
Distribution: This plant is very common and occurs throughout the country.
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