Family: Lythraceae
Synonym:Parsonsia hyssopifolia (Kunth) Standl.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Kuphea.
English name: False heather, Elphin plant.
Description of the plant: A small evergreen much-branched subshrub growing to 1.5 m. Stems semi-woody, slender and crooked. Leaves green, opposite, stalkless and numerous on the branches, narrow-lanceolate, up to 1.5 cm long.Flowers small, purplish violet to light purple with green calyx.
Plant parts used: Leaf, stem.
Herbal uses: A paste made with the leaves and stems of the plant is applied to tumour once a day until the disease is cured.
The plant is used for treating dermatitis, stomach disorder, syphilis, gonorrhoea, and cancer.
Distribution: It is found throughout the country.
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