Family: Buddlejaceae
Synonym: Buddleja neemda Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb
Bengali/Vernacular name: Budbhota, Neemda, Badbhota.
Tribal name: Adathora, Dhuptora (Chakma); Kassey-khoyhu (Khumi); Lang giao (Marma); Langtel (Pagnkhoa).
English name: Asian butterfly bush, White butterfly bush.
Description of the plant: A shrub, up to 2 m high, often trichotomously branched. Leaves 12.5 cm long, lanceolate, acuminate, entire, crenate or toothed, grey-white beneath, fulvous-tomentose or pubescent beneath. Flower small, white in axillary and terminal often panicled spikes, 5-20 cm long. Capsule 6 mm, ellipsoid.
Plant parts used: Leaf, stem.
Herbal uses:A fresh juice extracted from the leaves and stems of the plant, after adding few drops of honey it is taken twice a day (5 ml amount each time) for three days to treat cough.
A decoction prepared from the leaves and stems of the plant is taken as warm condition twice a day (50 ml amount each time) for 15 days to treat leucorrhoea.
A fresh juice extracted from the leaves and stems of the plant, after adding few drops of honey it is taken thrice a day (5 ml amount each time) for five days to treat mania infantum.
An extract made with the leaves and stems of the plant, and hot bath is advised to have once a day for one week with that extracts to treat skin disease.
Infusion of roots isused to treat malaria.
A fresh juice extracted from the leaves and stems of the plant is taken thrice a day (5 ml amount each time) for one month to treat rheumatism.
Distribution: It is found in Lawachara area of Maulvi Bazar,Chittagong districts, and the Chittagong Hill Tracts.
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