Family: Convolvulaceae
Synonym: Argyreia capitata Choisy
Bengali/Vernacular name: Vogalata (Bengali), Doitta lati (Chittagong).
Tribal name: Shunsunga prejang (Chakma), Anuway-khujeya (Marma), Oomma-bawn (Rakhaing), Chungchunga vogpata (Tanchangya).
English name: Argyreia.
Description of the Plant: A large climber with milky juice. Stem hispid with brownish hairs. Leaves 7-13 cm long, ovate to orbicular, rarely oblong-lanceolate, base shallowly to deeply cordate, suddenly short acuminate, sparsely hispid on both sides. Inflorescence of dense, capitate cymes in the axils of the leaves, on long peduncles. Bracts and sepals bristle-hispid. Flowers 3-4 cm long, reddish-purple or pink. Fruit globose, orange to reddish.
Plant parts Used: Leaf, root.
Uses: Leaf-ash is used in eruption at the junction of ear pinnae.
A paste made with the roots of the plant is applied to treat rheumatism.
Roots of the plant are used in gonorrhea, nervous system diseases; also, used
for small pox, dysentery, syphilis treatment.
Distribution: This species is found in Chittagong, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Cox’s Bazar, Mymensingh, Moulvi bazaar, Rangpur, Noakhali, Sylhet, Dhaka, in marginal forests and village thickets.
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