Scientific Name:Arborophila atrogularis
English Name:White-cheeked Partridge
Species Authority:(Blyth, 1849)
Local Name:Dholagola Batai
Synonyms:Arboricola atrogularis Blyth, 1849
Taxonomic Others:
Taxonomic Notes:Of the four known subspecies, C.c. coturnix occurs in Bangladesh (Begum 2008).

White-cheeked Partridge (Arborophila atrogularis) is resident in north-east India locally common in Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura, Bangladesh very local in the north-east, could still occur in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Myanmar widespread, uncommon to common resident and China local in Yingjiang area of west Yunnan to west of Salween river.

Arborophila atrogularis © Sayam U. Chwodhury
Arborophila atrogularis © Sayam U. Chwodhury

It inhabits dense undergrowth of broadleaved primary and secondary evergreen forest, sometimes adjacent scrub, bamboo, grassland and cultivation, most frequently below 750 m in India, but usually between 610-1220 m in South-East Asia. It is principally threatened by habitat loss and persecution. Within its range, hill forests are diminishing rapidly in extent and becoming fragmented because of shifting agriculture and logging. Hunting and snaring is common. However, given the size of its range and the paucity of fieldwork conducted within it, the species is currently likely to be more abundant than records suggest and to exceed the threshold for classification as Vulnerable.



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