Scientific name: Acacia catechu (L.f.) Willd.
Family: Mimosaceae
Synonym: Acacia wallichiana DC., Mimosa catechu L.f.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Khair, Katha, Khadira, Babul.
Tribal name: Kalakot, Pagara kot (Chakma).
English name: Cutch tree, Black catechu.
Description of the plant: A medium sized deciduous tree, bark reddish-brown, rough, cracked, branchlets brown, thorny, stipuler spines in pairs. Leaves bipinnate, alternate; pinnae 40-80; leaflets 60-100, small ligulate. Flowers creamy-white or pale yellow in cylindrical axillary spikes. Pods strap-shaped, straight, brown.
Plant parts used: Bark, heartwood.
Ethnomedicinal uses: Extract prepared from the bark of the plant is used for the purpose of gargling to relieve the problem of gingivitis.
Pea-sized pills are made with the heartwood of the plant is taken with warm water thrice a day (one pill each time) until the asthma and rabies are cured.
Bark extracts of the plant appears to block the body pain
The bark of the plant relieves psoriasis, anaemia, and ulcers.
The plant is used for the treatment of bronchitis, cough, cold, diarrhoea, dysentery, constipation, sores, skin disease, and leprosy.
Distribution: It is distributed in the northern districts especially in Rajshahi, and Pabna districts.
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