Scientific name: Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn.
Family: Asteraceae
Synonym: Verbesina nodiflora L.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Relanodi, Synedrella.
Tribal name: Atangsa, Et-ozon (Chakma); Heid ozon (Tripura); Edottojon (Tanchangya); Khangpoi (Marma).
English name: Cinderella weed, Nodeweed, Pig grass.
Description of the plant: An erect, branched, pubescent, annual herb. Leaves simple, lamina ovate, narrowed or rounded to cuneate at the base, acute at the apex, margin shallowly serrate-dentate, appressed, pilose on both surface, sometimes glabrous, strongly 3-nerved. Flower solitary, axillary capitulum; yellow.
Plant parts used: Leaf and stem.
Medicinal uses: Paste prepared from leaves and stems of the plant is applied on the affected area to treat eczema.
Extract prepared from leaves and stems of the plant is used in to treat foot mud sore.
Distribution: It is found in all over the country.
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