Scientific name: Moringa oleifera Lamk.
Family: Moringaceae
Synonym: Moringa zeylanica Pers.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Sajna, Sojne.
Tribal name: Gajeley, Sicumbi (Marma); Dain tho rai (Mogh); Sesna shak (Chakma); Dain-sha-nai (Chak); Sajna-phang (Garo); Seachna (Murang); Dendalum, Pepan-yuw-maa (Rakhaing).
English name: Drumstick tree, Horse radish tree.
Description of the plant: A small or medium deciduous tree, with corky bark. Leaves compound, tripinnate, alternate, pinnae 4-7 pairs, opposite, shape ovate or elliptic, rounded at the base and apex, margin entire. Flowers white, in large puberulous panicles. Fruit an elongated capsule, 9-ribbed, pendulous. Seeds many, winged.
Plant parts used: Bark.
Medicinal uses: Infusion of bark is taken to treat jaundice.
Bark juice is taken to treat vomiting and it is also used in rheumatism.
Distribution: Cultivated throughout Bangladesh in homestead.
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