Scientific name: Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link
Family: Lamiaceae
Synonym: Phlomis aspera Willd.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Shetadrone, Donkolos, Chhoto halkusha, Dulfi (Bengali); Dolon gas (Noakhali).
Tribal name: Gossadangar (Chakma); Pengsuncha, Paingsukchank, Pi tung chang, Pai thung sa (Marma); Ummi-acha (Khumi); Mro (Murang); Peen-tu-sam-asshey (Rakhaing); Goissa jangol (Tanchangya).
English name: Thumba, Common leucas.
Description of the plant: A stout, erect or diffuse annual herb, up to 50 cm tall, hirsute. Stem much branched, 4-angled, grooved, hirsute below, more or less woolly above. Leaves petiolate, lamina 4-8 cm long, linear-lanceolate, margin often entire or slightly serrate, apext acute, cuneate at the base. Flowers white, sessile or subsessile in terminal and axillary whorls, up to 2.5 cm diam, corolla white, 5-lobed. Fruits a nutlet obovoid-oblong, brownish-black.
Plant parts used: Leaf and stem.
Medicinal uses: Paste made from leaves and stems of the plant, after adding some water it is taken twice a day (two tea spoons amount each time) for one week to treat asthma.
Paste made with leaves and stems of the plant, then plaster is made on the fractured bone with that paste and kept for two days to treat bone fracture.
Pea-sized pills are made from leaves and stems of the plant are taken thrice a day (two pills each time) for 30 days to treat cirrhosis.
Fresh juice extracted from the leaves and stems of the plant is taken twice a day (5 ml amount each time) for five days to treat fever.
Plant extract is given in jaundice.
Paste made from leaves and stems of the plant, after warming it is applied on the infected throat twice a day for three days to treat tonsillitis
Distribution: It is common in the districts of Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Bandarban, Khagrachari, Rangamati and Noakhali in fallow lands.
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