Scientific name: Clerodendrum infortunatum L.Vent.
Family: Verbenaceae
Synonym: Clerodendron viscosum Vent.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Bhat, Ghetu (Bengali); Bhaid gas (Noakhali).
Tribal name: Bheg, Rening (Chakma); Tira bai shak, Khopa che, Khongkhabang (Marma); Thali mofokma bofang, Khu ung kha (Tripura); Kuidin (Bawm); Haina (Chak); Baita gach, Samkhukhuku-phang (Garo); Arong (Khumi); Yammuck, Woak (Murang); Kuidim (Pangkhoa).
English name: Glory tree, Hill glory bower.
Description of the plant: An undershrub or shrub, often gregarious, forming dense thicket, branches obscurely tetragonal, channelled, covered with densely yellowish-brown appressed tomentose. Leaves simple, decussate-opposite, ovate, acute-acuminate, cordate at the base, more or less covered with rough hairs, margin denticulate or serrate, rarely entire, densely pubescent. Inflorescence terminal, trichotomous, pyramid-shaped panicle, peduncles red or purplish-red. Flowers white, tinted with red to purplish-red, pleasantly scented. Fruits globular, at first green, become bluish-black when mature, shining, enclosed by the enlarged fleshy red calyx.
Plant parts used: Leaf.
Medicinal uses: Decoction of leaves is used in anaemia.
Leaf juice is used in cluster headache, diabetes and itching.
Pills made from leaves of the plant are used to treat gout and fever.
Distribution: It occurs along road sides and fallow lands, throughout the country.
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