Scientific name: Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. Br.
Family: Asclepiadaceae
Synonym: Asclepias gigantea L.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Akanda, Bara akand (Bengali); Aphon hata (Noakhali).
Tribal name: Muru pata (Bawm); Angarpata (Chakma); Marow-lok, Moronok fung (Chak); Jijonma, Marufu, Su gru ba (Marma); Napal (Pangkhoa); Muhurong (Rakhaing); Angorpata gaas (Tanchangya); Hakkon (Tripura).
English name: Gigantic swallow wort, Crown flower.
Description of the plant: A tall shrub or small tree with white latex, up to 3 m high, stem much branched and slightly woody at the base. Leaves 9-18 x 6-9 cm, elliptic-oblong or obovate-oblong, base cordate, tip acute or shortly acuminate, petiole almost absent to 2 cm, young leaves covered with cottony tomentum becoming subglabrous. Flowers 3.8-5 cm diameter, purplish or white, in umbellate lateral cymes. Fruits, a pair of follicles, broad, thick, tapering at both ends.
Plant parts used: Leaf.
Medicinal uses: Decoction of leaves is used in diabetes and malaria.
Distribution: It is very common and occurs throughout the country in road side and fallow lands.
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