Family: Solanaceae

Synonym: Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad. & H. Wendl.

Bengali/Vernacular name: Kantikari begun, Kantakini.

Tribal name: Bhatbaigun (Murang), Chow-kha-ree-je-key-sthei-pawn (Rakhaing).

English name: Yellow-berried nightshade.

Description of the plant: A very prickly, diffuse herb, up to 50 cm high, with procumbent branches, bearing numerous, compressed, straight and bright yellow prickles. Leaves elliptic, very prickly, deeply pinnately lobed with sinuous outlines to the lobes, very unequal at the base, petioles and nerves with long prickles. Inflorescnce a lax, few-flowered cyme, up to 10 cm long.Flowers pentamerous, prickly, purplish-blue to violet. Fruit a spherical berry, 2 cm across, white with green markings when young but light or whitish when ripe.

Plant parts used: Leaf,seed.

Herbal uses: Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is applied to painful joints to relieve pains.

The seeds of the plant are used in the treatment of asthma and catarrh.

The plant is used for the treatment of cough and chest pain.

Distribution: This species occurs in all parts of the country.

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