Family: Convolvulaceae
Synonym:Convolvulus batatas L.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Misti alu, Mitha alu, Lomba aloo, Ranga alu.
Tribal name: Ranga alo (Chakma), Lyho (Khumi).
English name: Sweet potato.
Description of the plant: A prostrate herb with trailing stem and tuberous roots; tubers red, white or rarely yellow. Leaves ovate-cordate, acute angular or more or less lobed.Flowers 1-several in axillary cymes.Corolla 3-4.5 cm campanulate to funnel-shaped, pale violet.Capsule ovoid, rarely formed.
Plant parts used: Leaf, root.
Herbal uses: Fresh juice extracted from root tubers of the plant is taken for the treatment of diarrhoea.
A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied to treat whitlow.
Decoction made from root tubers is taken once a day until the strangury is cured.
Sweet potato is used to treat gastric ulcer.
Crushed leaves are applied to treat boils and acne.
A decoction made with root tuber of the plant is taken twice a day for three days to treat fever.
Distribution: It is cultivated throughout the country.
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