Family: Tiliaceae
Synonym:Microcos nervosa (Lour.) S.Y.Hu
Bengali/Vernacular name: Pichandi, Asar gach (Bengali); Asar golla (Chittagong).
Tribal name: Raschi-pang (Chak), Bol-subret (Garo), Bakong (Khumi), Soh-chirdrem (Khasia), Thlai-chal (Lushai), Tarani (Marma), Yoria sock (Murang), Hasalcong (Pangkhoa), Paan-hla-bawn (Rakhaing).
English name: Shiral.
Description of the plant: A semi-deciduous tree, up to 15 m in height. Leaves elliptic-oblong, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, serrulate, chartaceous, glabrescent, slightly cordate, or unequal at the base. Flowers pale yellow, involucrate, in terminal panicles. Fruit a drupe, globose.
Plant parts used: Leaf, root.
Herbal uses: Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is taken twice a day (three tea spoons amount each time) for one week to treat dysmenorrhoea.
Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is applied externally to the fractured bone and tied with a piece of cloth; the bandage is replaced five times with a new one at three days interval up to 15 days.
An infusion of the leaves is taken as a cooling drink and to remedy indigestion.
A drink prepared from the roasted and boiled leaves of the plant is given to children as an anthelmintic medicine.
A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied externally to the boils twice or thrice a day for five days to treat boils.
A decoction made with the the roots of the plant is used to treat cough.
Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is taken after warming thrice a day (three tea spoons amount each time) until the paratyphoid is cured.
Distribution: It is found in Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Sylhet, and Tangail district.
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