Family: Brassicaceae
Synonym:Sinapis nigra L.
Bengali/Vernacular name:Kalosarisha, Raisarisha.
Tribal name: Sarisha (Chakma).
English name:Black mustard, True mustard, Mustard.
Description of the plant: An annual erect herb, up to 1 m tall. Leaves 10-15 cm long, lower lyrate-pinnatisect, the upper oblong-linear. Racemes 40-60 flowered, flowers bright, yellow. Fruit a siliqua, linear or narrowly oblong, 4-angled, seeds 3-6 in each locule, globose.
Plant parts used: Leaf, seed.
Herbal uses:Powder made from seeds of the plant is taken (5 g amount each time) two times a day for the treatment of anorexia.
A paste made with the seeds of the plant is applied to the affected part of the body twice a day until the rheumatism is cured.
Tea prepared from grounded seeds of the plant is taken thrice a day for five days to treat fever.
Paste prepared from the seeds of the plant is applied to the affected areas for the treatment of snake bite, and scorpion sting.
The juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is taken thrice a day (5 ml amount each time) until the stomachache is cured.
A decoction of the seeds is used in the treatment of indurations of the liver and spleen.
A paste prepared from the seeds of the plant is used to treat pneumonia, pleurisy, arthritis, lower back pain, and aching feet.
Seeds of the plant are used for the treatment of alopecia, epilepsy, and toothache.
Distribution:This species is cultivated in many parts of the Bangladesh.
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