Family: Plumbaginaceae
Synonym: Plumbago viscosa Blanco
Bengali/Vernacular name: Chita, Chitra, Chitrak, Shet chita.
Tribal name: Kadsibang (Chakma), Aigga tutrha (Garo), Kain kawk (Marma).
English name: Ceylon leadwort, White leadwort.
Description of the Plant: A perennial herb or straggling undershrub, branches with long internodes. Leaves ovate to elliptic-ovate, entire, acute to acuminate, base rounded to cuneate. Inflorescence a branched spike. Flowers white on short pedicels. Fruit a capsule, oblong, 5-furrowed.
Plant parts Used: Leaf, root.
Uses: The pulped roots or aerial parts are inserted into the vagina as
an abortifacient.
A root decoction is used to treat diarrhea, and dyspepsia.
The crushed leaves are applied as a poultice to treat a range of skin problems,
especially leprosy, scabies, ringworm, acne; as well as rheumatism, and
A decoction of the powdered roots is used externally as a remedy for a range of
skin complaints, especially dermatitis, sores, ulcers of the leg, hemorrhoids,
and hookworm.
The powdered roots are used as a blistering agent on the skin.
The tap root, bark, and leaves, combined with salt are used for the treatment of
The plant is used to treat leukoderma, inflammation, piles, bronchitis, and itching.
Distribution: This species is found in Dhaka, Jamalpur, Tangail, and Panchagarh districts.
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