Scientific name: Ageratum conyzoides (L.) L.
Family: Asteraceae
Bengali/Vernacular name: Fulkuri, Ochunti.
Tribal name: Monipuizza, Siang maresh, Monimojjahar, Kise mrak, Muni bhuiya (Chakma); Achunai, Chunachu appa, Kisimra, Kisey srak (Marma); Mukri, Chan nama, Submenum, Munpuria (Tripura); Monipuriher (Tanchangya); Song-nam (Murang); Hinor (Khasia); Akhunni (Garo); Horenba (Munda).
English name: Appa grass, Goat weed, Tropical white weed.
Description of the plant: An erect, annual, foetid herb, up to 80 cm tall, stems is covered with fine white hairs. Leaves are opposite, broadly ovate, pubescent with long petioles and include glandular trichomes. Inflorescence a terminal corymb; flowers pale blue, in small head.
Plant parts used: Leaf and stem.
Medicinal uses: Fresh juice extracted from leaves and stems of the plant is applied on the cutting wound twice a day to treat bleeding from cutting wound.
In the treatment of bruise, extract made from leaves and stems of the plant is used to wash the wounded.
Fresh juice extracted from the leaves and stems of the plant is taken to treat leishmaniasis (black fever).
Decoction made from leaves and stems of the plant is used for having hot bath to treat leucorrhoea.
Distribution: In fallow lands, throughout the country.