Scientific name: Senna alata (L.) Roxb.
Family: Caesalpiniaceae
Synonym: Cassia alata L.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Dadmardan.
Tribal name: Delong pata (Chakma), Skly-asi (Khumi), Krah-kheyath (Khasia), Aicia-kung (Lushai), Pui chi (Marma), Pley (Murang), Pailang (Pangkhoa), Pui-bawn (Rakhaing), Dotlong (Tanchangya), Khaichuani-bithi (Tripura).
English name: Ringworm senna.
Description of the plant: A fast growing, erect shrub. Leaves paripinnately compound, leaflets 8-14 pairs, 5-15 cm long, oblong from an oblique base, entire, obtuse. Leaflets gradually increase in size from the base towards the tip of the leaf. Inflorescence of racemes 15-30 cm long; flowers bright yellow, showy, bracteate. Pod 10-18 cm long, oblong, wing with transversely crenulated margin, runing along the length of each valve, turned blak when ripe.
Plant parts used: Leaf, flower.
Ethnomedicinal uses: A decoction is made with the leaves and flowers of the plant are taken to treat cough, bronchitis, and asthma.
A paste is made with the leaves of the plant is applied on the infected skin, after washing twice a day for three days to treat eczema.
An extract is made with the leaves of the plant is used to wash the scabies and itches twice a day until the disease is cured.
Leaf decoction is used as mouthwash in stomatitis.
Leaves of the plant are used as cure for poisonous insect bite.
Boiled young leaves are eaten once a day (10 gm amount every time) for three days to treat hook worm infestation.
The leaves of the plant are taken internally to relieve constipation.
Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is applied on the infected skin for three days to treat ringworm.
Infusion of leaves is taken once a day after adding some sugar to treat constipation.
Distribution: It is found in most districts of Bangladesh.
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